We get knocked out be the goddess of Beauty

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word count: 860

Aphrodite chattered about tunics and shiny daggers while Percy and Annabeth followed her through the magnificent corridors of Mount Olympus. 

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably closer to seven minutes, the goddess stopped before an opening in the palace walls that gave way to a room big enough to fit the entire Poseidon cabin and the weapons shack back at camp. 

Also there was a wardrobe. It was old and wood-y and all together a little boring. 

"Bit of an Anticlimax." Annabeth muttered quietly. To the left and right of the wardrobe there were wooden crates and chests, all adorned with a small bronze plaque engraved with Ancient Greek letters. 

Aphrodite turned back to us and frowned lightly. "Weren't there supposed to be more of you? Where are your cousins Perseus? And the son of Apollo?"

Just as she said it Will, Nico and Thalia appeared in the doorway, looking slightly rumpled. 

Ares stood behind them, expression grim as ever. "You lost something." he complained and turned on his heel to retreat back to the throne room. 

Aphrodite smiled "Ahh my favourite son of Hades with his friend and the huntress with the appalling dress sense! Delightful." Her expression soured ever so slightly. 

Thalia rolled her eyes. 

Aphrodite turned away and rustled through the various boxes until she found what she was looking for - a chest made from dark, polished wood. The sign read 'Araluen', which, in Percys opinion wasn't much help, but hey, who was he to criticise a goddesses organising skills. 

Opening the chest with a flourish, Aphrodite dumped various articles of clothing in their arms, explaining happily while she buried the five demigods under heaves of wool and leather. "You each get six tunics - two light ones, two dark ones and two in your signature colours. Also six pairs of breeches, all dark brown, to help you blend in-"

Thalia interrupted her. "Could we get some sort of bag, perhaps? My lady?" 

Aphrodite smiled sweetly and made a shushing sound. 

Thalia unceremoniously dumped her growing pile onto the gleaming marvel floor, and the others followed suit. 

the goddess, unfazed by this, continued. "- here's some underwear, leather vests and belts, - you girls get dresses to help you look unsuspicious -  a cloak for each of you; take care of those, I like them, you can wear them inside and out to match according to your outfit, and also to blend in with your surroundings...- that would at least explain why the inside is camouflage  - anyway, here are boots, gloves and leather backpacks that double as saddle bags - oh" 

She smiled conspiratorially "These were packed by Artemis - maps, knives, equipment to sharpen blades, repair arrows, water skins, rope and the like. Well." She clapped her hands. "That would be it."

While the demigods shoved their newly acquired wardrobe into their backpacks - which mysteriously fit all of it - Apollo strolled in and seated him self on one of the crates - the sign said 'Camelot', with didn't surprise Percy in the slightest - and started chatting with  Aphrodite. 

As soon as they were done packing he stood and made a mock bow.

Percy smiled slightly, cocking his head. "Apollo." 

"Hello cousin. I have come to bless you with my presence - "

Thalia frowned. "If you start spouting haikus -"

Apollo laughed amicably. "Who, me? No... Anyway I though you could use my help dear cousin. Your bow is one of my dear sisters , and while I would never, ever criticise her ever I should remind you that it is a bit very visible."

"What do you mean." Thalia frowned. 

"It's silver. I don't know what kind of school you went to -" 

"I was a tree for years." 

"- but there were very  few silver bows an the Middle Ages, and there were even less golden bows." 

Apollo pointedly raised a single, perfect eyebrows at Will, who only shrugged. 

"I thought you might want me to put a glamour on your bows." He paused. "And also your swords. Celestial bronze, drakon bone and stygian iron are even rarer than gold and silver as far as materials for sword in the Middle Ages go."

Within seconds Apollo had three swords and two bows as well as Thalia's shield Aegis in front of him. He moved his hand over each of them and one by one the bows turned to wood - Thalia's ebony and Wills birch - and the swords and shield to steel, keeping their original form and weight, much to everyones satisfaction. Percy swung Riptide in a swift motion, surprised to find it exactly the same as before. 

"I merely changes the appearance, so no worries. you can take it back if you want to, just imagine what they used to look like." 

Apollo stood from the crate. "So if you would be so kind and get yourselves ready so I can get you on your way..."

Percy felt the floor swaying under his feet and the world went black. His mom was going to be pissed when she found out about his. 

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