Sneaking out

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   You came out of the bath and started to dry yourself. All these thoughts started flooding your brain. "What if she saw my boobs or something else?" You said quietly to yourself as you stared in the mirror. You never liked yourself and have never seen the full Beauty and potential you have. You came into your room and found jeans and nice t-shirt to wear. Your style has always been simple but not to simple, You like a bit of everything. You lay down on your bed wondering how you're going to get out of this conversation with Cordelia. You thought you would leave and stay out the rest of the night and party. Maybe you would meet some new friends"it's not like anyone here wants to be my actual friend" you thought. You decided you would. "I mean..what's the harm in a little fun?" You thought. You think how you need to be as quiet as possible leaving the house though and how you're gonna play this out.

Reader POV
I guess could wear my violet dress?? No that's not sexy enough. I just want to feel good about myself.
I haven't had an actual conversation with someone in God knows how long. I'm probably gonna go crazy at this point. Well maybe someone will flirt with me cause no one has flirted with me since the beginning of freshman year in high school. Or maybe I just don't notice when someone is trying to flirt? Anyway, I think I'll wear my red dress instead. That dress has always been my go to dress, it brings out my curves and makes me look good. *After about 45 minutes your ready to leave* I'm think I'm gonna wear... those!!! My black stilettos with diamonds on the heel.

You finally were ready, looking perfect and feeling good. You never thought you could even make yourself look this good. Guess you have a magic touch? You put pillows under the blanket to make it look like you were sleeping and left a note under the blanket just in case Cordelia found it. You wanted to make sure she didn't worry about you. As you came slowly out of your room, you could here music playing loudly downstairs. Cordelia was playing that record you always seemed to love. It was 'come fly with me' by Frank Sinatra. "why does she have to play now or all the times she could've played it?" you thought to yourself. But now you knew this would be your chance to make a break for it. You made your way downstairs as diligently as possible. As you reached the bottom you moved quickly behind the wall and peeked to see if she was in the living room. You hear something in the kitchen so you know this was your chance. With your heels and wallet in hand, you sprinted so fast on your toes you almost fell. You opened the door slowly and made your way out. You hopped into your mustang and pulled off quickly so Cordelia wouldn't hear the car's loud engine.

You finally made it to the bar and saw how many cute girls there were. Even though they were all obviously straight, it didn't mean you couldn't look right? You bought yourself some whiskey and chugged it down quick. You felt there was something you needed to numb but you didn't know exactly what it was. One drink after another and you probably didn't even know where you were anymore. There were at 5 empty glasses near you at this point. You were drunk but not drunk enough to pass out or not be at least somewhat conscious. This dude came up to you started talking but you couldn't really comprehend it. He started getting all touchy with you which obviously did not make you comfortable.

Back at the house
Cordelia was just singing and making dinner for you and for herself. Cordelia has felt bad about what had happened earlier, she wanted to apologize. She didn't really understand why you behaved the way you did, but it worried her. Absolutely no one in the house knew your sexuality and weren't planning on telling anyone. So Cordelia had no thought of you even liking her. She just thought you were shy or maybe had anxiety. You could usually talk to anyone normally but with Cordelia that was different. Cordelia went upstairs to go and apologize to you. She knocked gently on the door, obviously there was no answer. Nobody answered so it was starting to worry her. "I'm gonna come in ok (y/n)?" She said. On your bed, it looked like a body under the covers but it looked a bit off to Cordelia. So she went over to the bed to check if that was you, she saw your head wasn't there so she took off the sheet. Cordelia got pretty angry for you not telling her where you went and sneaking off like that. She saw the note that you left her, it said "didn't wanna bother you, so I left to a bar down on Main Street. I'll be back home soon :)". The note seemed to calm her down, she felt that something was off though. Cordelia sat on your bed wondering why you didn't tell her where you went. Then she saw your phone on your night table. Now she started to worry again because she didn't know how to reach you to make sure you were ok. Cordelia didn't know wether to go check on you or just wait till you got home. Cordelia didn't want to embarrass you but she knew she had to make sure you were ok.

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