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You woke up to the sun shining on your face through the window. You didn't remember where you were for a second but then your senses started to awaken. You looked over to your left and saw the most beautiful woman in the world in your arms. Then it hit you that this was actually happening and you felt something more would happen, but you didn't wanna get your hopes up. It scared you that she had the power to just leave you any second and stop being in your life. This was new for you and deep down it really scared you. You knew that once the other person chose something or someone else, you had no power to get them back or make them stay. Your thoughts made the time pass and you could feel Cordelia start to wake up. You decided to close your eyes so she thought you were still asleep. Cordelia slowly opened her eyes and stretched out her body. She looked up at you smiled, she still couldn't believe this was happening. She felt she should stop it but she couldn't she just liked you way to much. She poked your nose trying to wake you up, you still pretended to be asleep. So she touched you where she knew she could wake you up instantly. She decided to start tickling your stomach, you then instantly tried to get up. You started to laugh uncontrollably and Cordelia straddled you so that you wouldn't escape. "See now how do you like it?" She said.
She was referring to the other night when you did the same thing to her. "Get off!" You yelled playfully.
"Nope" She said blatantly.
"Do you want me to be rough with you?" You asked.
Cordelia desperately wanted to say yes but she just shrugged. "Fine" You said as if you were serious.
You grabbed her waist and pushed her off of you, then you got off the bed quickly. "What are you going do about it now" you said with your arms crossed.
Cordelia looked at you up and down "I don't know, you tell me" she said. "Well I'm kinda hungry" you said suddenly to direct attention away from what you actually wanted to say. She smiled at you and said "Well it's only 7 and no one is up yet. So we'll have the kitchen to ourselves."
She motioned her head towards the door and you both started to walk towards it. Suddenly as you exited the door she began to run towards the stairs. "Who ever gets to the kitchen last has to cook!" Cordelia yelled.
You then sprinted down the stairs trying to catch up with her. As you were about to reach the bottom, you tripped over the last step. Cordelia then turned around and ran to you. You pretended that you were unconscious as she tried to turn you over. Cordelia then started to panic, "shit" she said.
She started to shake your shoulders and you started to laugh at how scared she was. Then she stopped and looked at you with an angry face. You just kept laughing, "you should've seen your face" you said through your laughter.
"Not funny" she said as she shoved your shoulder.
Cordelia then got up and walked to the kitchen without a word. After you finished laughing, you stood up and went over to the kitchen. "Aw, I'm sorry I scared you like that" you said. Cordelia still kept her back turned while she was grabbing something from the cabinet. "That wasn't funny you know." She said sternly.
"I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise" you said as you sat down at the kitchen table.
"Well you lost so you have to cook" she said with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.
"Fine" You said pretending that you hated it. You loved to cook and you were actually pretty good at it.
"What do you want me to make? I can make you whateverrr you want" you said with your face on your hands on top of the table.
"Waffles or pancakes. You choose"
"I'll make waffles, and honestly your gonna be amazed by how good they are."
"We'll see" Cordelia said with a smirk.
You started to grab all the things that you needed from the fridge and the cabinets. After mixing everything together, you got the waffle iron heated up and started to make the waffles. You stood laying on the counter and Cordelia just played with her nails. Cordelia then started to think about last night and how she still hasn't done anything to figure it all out. "Fuck" she whispered to herself. She wasn't as worked up about it as before but it still worried her. Cordelia suddenly got up and went to the bathroom right across the kitchen. Then she shut the door and slowly sat down laying her back to the door. She put her face in her hands and began to cry.
Wait, so never mind she's still worked up about.
Cordelia just cried as softly as she could so that you wouldn't hear her. You didn't think much of it, you thought she was just gonna use the bathroom. You had finished making the waffles and set them nicely on two plates and cut up some fruit. Then you set it down on the table and made some finished touches on the plate. You waited for Cordelia to come out of the bathroom but she was taking a lot longer than you expected. You got up and went over to door, you could here her softly crying from outside the door. So you knocked on the door softly, Cordelia quickly stood up and wiped the tears on her faces. She slowly opened the door and looked in your eyes. You could see in her eyes how scared and sad she was. Her eyes were also red and puffy from all the crying. You grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug, she began crying again instantly. "Shh shh, it's ok I'm here" you said while holding her head on your chest.
It was a coincidence how you both would hold each other when you were upset. You both didn't really have anyone else and this was a "friendship" you both wanted to keep. She just kept crying for a bit, then pulled her off of you for a second and looked into her eyes.
"Cordelia look I know that your scared and upset, but I just want you to know that you never have to feel scared when I'm here. Ok?" You said gazing into her soft eyes.
She just nodded and hugged you tightly again. You felt that you could hold her forever and you didn't care.
"Come on let's go eat" you said and pulled her over to the table. You could hear her sniffling and you thought it was the most adorable thing ever.
You pulled the seat out for her to sit and pushed it in for her as she sat. "Go ahead eat" you said softly.
She grabbed her fork and began cutting a piece of the waffle. Then Cordelia put it in her mouth and let out a small moan. "This is so good oh my gosh" she exclaimed.
"Told you I was good" you said with arrogance. You were kidding though.
"Yeah well I bet you good at other things to" She said.
You didn't know wether she meant it sexually or just in general. You choked up a bit when she said that and you cleared your throat before speaking.
"U-uh well yeah I guess I am" You said awkwardly.
Cordelia noticed how you reacted to that and she now finally knew that you liked her. She started to put everything together but she still had some doubt in the back of her mind. "So I was thinking that I'd go and find out who that man was from last night" you said.
"No no no, I'm not letting you put yourself in danger" she said sternly.
"Cordelia please let me help" you begged.
"I can't let you go on your own, I have to take care of you" she said.
You felt your heart do that thing it does whenever she says things like that. "It's ok, I'll be fine I promise" you said sincerely.
Cordelia just kept eating and didn't respond to you. So you decided it was best to do the same, you didn't wanna fight with her about it.
After a bit, you guys finished eating and you cleared the table. Cordelia was contemplating if she would let you help her. She knew she should, Cordelia knew that if it was any of the other girls she would. She felt guilty for thinking that but that's just how she felt. Cordelia wanted to protect you, but she still wanted to protect her girls. She only felt that she would only use her girl if they were in immediate danger. She was brought out of her thoughts when you turned on the sink and started to wash the dishes. "I'm gonna go back upstairs" she said and quickly got up. "Ok" you said plainly.
Cordelia quickly went up the stairs and closed her door as soon as she came in. She walked over to her bed but then was a knock at the door. "Fuck sake" she whispered to herself.
"Come in" She yelled.
It was one of Amelia's friends, her name was Samantha but everyone just called her Sam.  "Hi Sam, is everything alright?" She asked.
The girl just stood there a bit awkwardly and said "could I ask you a question Ms. Goode" she said.
Cordelia came up to her and looked her with concern. "Yes dear, anything" she said
"Well I was wondering.." Sam stopped.
She grabbed Cordelia's hand and held it. Cordelia was confused as to what was going on and just looked at her. Then suddenly Sam came onto her and kissed her?!?! I'm sorry but this chick needs to stop.
Then as Cordelia was about to push her away you walked into the room because the door was halfway open. You stopped and looked at them in shock, as Cordelia pushed her off she looked over at you. You turned around so quickly and sprinted out of there and went up to your room. You opened the door and slammed it behind you, "FUCK! How was I so stupid as to think she'd want ME?! Never would've thought she was fucking that stupid whore friend of Amelia's" You screamed.
Amelia wasn't in the room and you were glad she wasn't at this very moment. You never ever got angry like this, but this was something that just hit you hard. Whenever you got mad at Amelia it wasn't as bad as the anger you felt in that moment. You punched your pillow as you felt your anger growing. Then suddenly a lamp fell off of Amelia's night stand. Your powers were suddenly starting to act up which they rarely did. Then after punching the pillow a few times it ripped open. You then fell to the ground and said to yourself "why am I getting so angry? She was never even mine to begin with" you said to yourself softly.
As you were having you mental breakdown, Cordelia was yelling at Sam. "Why in the world would you kiss me? Sam you know you cannot do that!" She yelled.
"I-I'm sorry Ms. G-Goode. I-I" Cordelia cut her off before she could say anything else. "No this is unacceptable. You can't just waltz in here and KISS ME!" She exclaimed.
Sam just got up and ran out of the room quickly. That whole encounter confused Cordelia, she never suspected Sam of liking her at all. She didn't even know how to handle this! Does she ever get a break?

Guess not.

You didn't even wanna look Cordelia in the face anymore. Maybe you should let her explain?
But you were to stubborn at the moment to listen of any of her "nonsense". So you grabbed your car keys and ran down the stairs. You needed to go and forget about that moment, you weren't going to let anything else ruin your life. You've had enough of that all your life and you weren't going to let it happen again.
As you got to your car, you stood there for a second contemplating if you should talk to Cordelia about it. But then you said "fuck it" and hopped into your car. You just started to drive and you didn't know where exactly but you knew you needed to get away from that house as soon as possible.

Talk about an eventful morning, huh?

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