The truth

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Cordelia and you just spoke for a bit about life and caught up. Her attention was directed towards you and she never felt uninterested in anything you had to say. Then, she stayed quiet and you could tell she was thinking to much again. You grabbed her hand. "Listen I know everything is hectic right now but I promise I'll help you get to the bottom of this whole witch hunting situation, ok?" You said.
She just nodded and gave you a sad smile.
"How about we go and try to find out more about who's behind all this?" I asked. This situation made you angry because of how much it upset Cordelia.

"No, I don't want you getting hurt and I don't want to put you in danger" you could tell how serious she was about it.
"Please just let me help, Cordelia, please" you begged. She looked into your eyes and she could see how desperate you were to help her.
"ok fine I'll let you help on one condition"
You looked at her like you were kid waiting for candy. "Tell me!"
"Whenever any situation of danger arises promise that you will save yourself before me" you could tell how serious she was and it scared you a bit.
"Cordelia you know I can't just-"
"Promise me"
"Ok I promise" you said sadly.

You knew that what you said was bullshit. You'd do anything to save Cordelia because she'd always done the same for you. At this point, you cared too much about her and wanted to do anything for her.
"Look at me" you looked up slowly.

"I just don't want anything bad happening to you. Your too young and your life is to meaningful to be lost" she said with a soft voice. It melted your heart.

"Your life is just as meaningful, your such a great person. You always put others before yourself, you should let someone do that for you" You said.

Cordelia never heard that from anyone before and it truly shocked her that you were the first one that did. She just hugged you and pretty much suffocated you, then whispered 'thank you' into your ear. You gladly returned the hug just as tightly.

"But I mean it, do not put yourself in danger" she said sternly.

You just nodded lightly and smiled at her. Then as if on cue, Amelia walked in and she opened her mouth and you knew she was about to make a nasty comment. But then she stopped herself and gave a obviously fake smile to you and Cordelia. "I'll talk to you later" Cordelia said softly. She stood up and you watched her till she finally left.

"So what was that stupid bitch doing here?" Amelia scoffed.

Your anger flared up like never before and you stood up. "Listen stupid bitch don't ever fucking call her that again before I break your face in" you said. At this point you were all up in her space and right in front of her. She stayed quiet for a sec and you swore you could see fear in her eyes for a spilt second. "How about you back up?" She said and pushed you away.

Then you couldn't take her bullshit anymore and your powers started to get out of control. One of the lamps in the room hit her in the head and she instantly passed out on the ground. It took a second for your anger to surpass and you came to full realization of what just happened. "Shit shit shit" you lightly whisper screamed.

You put your palm over her forehead and started to chant a spell. "Dolor vitae e" you chanted repeatedly hoping for her to wake up as you kept looking at the door. She started move a bit and she slowly was opening her eyes. Then you proceeded to chant another spell but then your eyes wandered off to something on the ground. It was black and looked familiar to you. Then Amelia was about to lift herself up on her elbows and you chanted "obliviscatur memoriam recentis". Then she passed out again but that was supposed to happen when you cast that spell.

"It's gonna be fine, she'll just forget everything and think it was a dream" you said to yourself. Then, you reached it over and grabbed what was on the floor. You opened it slowly and we're praying that it wasn't what thought it was. You slowly opened and you couldn't help but feel the anger engulf you again.

Cordelia?? (Cordelia x reader)Where stories live. Discover now