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"What the hell did I say in that dream? What if Cordelia heard all of that? Good God" you said to yourself. Suddenly the door opened, it was Amelia ugh. This bitch only cared about one thing and it was herself. Amelia behaved as if she owned everyone and thought she was better than everyone in this house, which obviously was not true. "So I heard your a little whore" she said proudly. It's as if she was always out to destroy you or hurt you. "What the hell are you talking about?" You screamed. You suddenly felt a pang of pain in your head, you put your hand on where you hit your head. "Everyone knows that you snuck out, got wasted, and almost fucked some dude" she said while lighting up her cigarette. "You weren't there and you don't know what happened. Who the hell told you all this crap?" You said. "Well, Lana can hear your thoughts dumbass. She's clairvoyant, remember?" She said rolling her eyes at you. "Are you fucking serious? She literally always mixes up things. Last month she thought that one of the girls was gonna kill someone cause she was thinking about a knife, and all she was gonna do was cut an apple. Cordelia told her that she is hardly clairvoyant and mixes up information all the time" you said furiously. "She's my best friend and I believe her, I don't give a shit what that whore says" she scoffed. This made you so incredibly angry, the fact that she called Cordelia a whore made you wanna drag her. "Listen bitch, all Cordelia has done is try to help you. So how about you appreciate it cause no one else gives two shits about your conceded ass. Why don't you just leave? Cause I think you'd be doing everyone a fucking favor" you screamed even louder. The pain started growing in your head, but you still tried to maintain yourself in front of her. "Fuck you, hope you rot in hell bitch" she said. You could tell how bothered she was by your remark, which made you feel good. By now, all the girls were all crowded by the door trying to hear what was going on. Amelia walked out and all the girls walked away, she pushed past all of them. "Can you all fucking move out of my way!!" She was so pissed off, Guess you hit her where it hurt. One of the girls walked in and looked at you, "slut" She whispered. She slammed the door and you could hear all the girls laughing at you. "I didn't even do anything wrong, why the hell does everyone hate me?" you thought as you began to cry. Your head was in excruciating pain, this made you start crying even more. You start to see everything going dark, but you try your hardest to call Cordelia, "Ms.Goode!" You barely screamed out. Meanwhile downstairs, Cordelia was wondering where all the girls had gone. She could hear all the chatter upstairs, she then saw Amelia walk to the door about to leave. "And where do you think your going young lady?" Cordelia said. "None if you business" she said with the worst attitude ever. Cordelia hated Amelia with such a burning passion, all that girl did was have an attitude with her. Amelia never cared about paying attention in class or anything, all she did was party and go out. Cordelia walked upstairs and saw the girls crowded near your door, she worried that something had happened to you. "All you girls go to your rooms, now!" She said angrily. Cordelia saw you about to fall off the bed and ran to help you. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" She said with fear in her voice. She kept shaking you and hoping you would wake up, she checked to see if you were breathing. You were breathing but just barely, you could feel you being shaken and heard someone call your name. Cordelia saw that you grunted and your eyes slowly fluttered open, she was smiling but you could see she was worried. "(Y/n), are you ok?" She said, you nodded slowly. The pain seemed to have stopped and you were confused as to how that could've happened. Suddenly, Cordelia saw you jump up from your bed as if nothing had happened. "(Y/n), come back and rest. You shouldn't be standing up. Wait, how are you standing?" Cordelia said confused.  "My pain is gone, I don't feel anything" you said. "How is that even possible? You were just so fragile and could barely stand before" she said confused. "I have no clue but at least I feel better" You said with a small smile. "But we should at least go to the doctor tomorrow, just to make sure" she said. "You don't have to come with me, I'll be ok on my own" you said softly. You didn't want Cordelia to worry anymore than she already was, you hated bothering her. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm coming with you wether you like it or not" she said sternly.  You were really touched by how much Cordelia cared about you, but yet you thought it was only because you were her student. Then you suddenly remembered the dream you had before, you could fell the thumping in your chest right about now. "Um... Ms. Goode?" You said shyly, "yes, (y/n)?" She smiled. "Did uh anything weird happen before...when I fell asleep?" You looked down at your hands. "No, nothing at all happened"  she said it hesitantly but you didn't notice. Cordelia obviously knew what you were talking about but she didn't want to make you feel bad. Cordelia was curious as to why you had that dream about her, but deep down she wanted you to tell her. "No, why do you ask?" She said sheepishly. "No reason at all, I was just feeling a bit weird in my sleep that's all" you smiled but Cordelia could tell it was forced. Cordelia just ignored it because she could tell that you felt embarrassed about it. You both just fell into silence and didn't know what to say. Cordelia glanced at you and she smiled, you looked up. Cordelia quickly looked away and played with her hands and said "well I guess I'll see you later". Before you could say anything she walked out, you payed no mind to it and you were glad she left. This was because of how scared you were that something stupid would come out of your mouth. You just payed back in bed as you mind drifted off to thoughts of Cordelia.

Hope you guys are enjoying this so far!! I'm kind of running out of ideas so I'd really appreciate some suggestions. Thanks!

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