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  It was Sunday morning and morning gathering was in about 30 minutes. You didn't feel like waking up, you were up all night thinking. The thought of Cordelia seemed to flood your thoughts after yesterday. Yesterday when you were walking down the stairs yesterday you swore you heard moaning coming from Cordelia's room. But you weren't sure if it was her or something else. Yesterday was weird, due to that interaction that happened between you and her. You knew you had to get to the bottom of what happened, because you needed to know what would've happened if Lana wouldn't have walked in. Meanwhile, Cordelia was down in the greenhouse trying to clean up some of the stuff she used last night. She liked to experiment late at night when she couldn't sleep. Cordelia was curious so she looked up a love potion in her book, she thought about giving it to you. She felt so incredibly guilty that she liked you, no matter how much she denied it. Cordelia didn't know if she could hold back her desire for you. Especially since she had those "thoughts" about you. She didn't know where this crush came from but that whole situation in her room the day before confirmed it. All she could think about was if your going to actually kiss her or maybe she thought you did cause of how much she wanted you. But Cordelia decided it was best to stop thinking a about it and go get ready for morning gathering.
Meanwhile, you came down stairs for breakfast and you were hoping you wouldn't see Cordelia. Even though deep down you wanted to. You were usually up before everyone else so you had some alone time in the morning, so never you expected anyone up before 8-8:30. Suddenly the back door opened up, you jumped up and dropped your bowl of cereal all over the floor. "For fuck sakes ugh" you groaned, of course out of all the people in the world, it was Cordelia. "Oh my god, I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't mean frighten you" she said worryingly. "Oh it's ok and I'm sorry Ms.Goode I didn't mean to say that before" you said looking down. "(Y/n), it's ok I promise. Don't worry" she said with her soft angelic voice. Even her voice made your knees weak. You looked up her and gave her a shy smile, she smiled back and bit her lip. "Fuck" you thought, you looked at her lips and back at her eyes. Cordelia realized what the hell she was thinking and quickly said "u-uh I'll clean this up, since I pretty much caused it" she said with a nervous laugh. As she went to grab paper towels you grabbed her hand, " Ms.Goode, it was entirely my fault. It's ok I'll clean it" You said sternly. Cordelia couldn't help but feel a bit turned on by how you did that. "Ok, how about we both clean it? That way it's even" she said. You were nervous but you were doing well at hiding it. You grabbed the paper towels and then told her "could you grab the broom, please?"
She went over quickly and grabbed it. You got down on the ground and started cleaning up the milk. Cordelia came up right in front of you while you were on the ground...on your knees. Unintentionally, she did this not realizing how it looked. After you were done, you look up and you were having the dirtiest thoughts. "Christ, this women is attractive at any angle" you thought. Cordelia look at you and smiled. You couldn't really understand what was happening but you felt that she was, flirting? but subtly "She can't be. That'd just never ever happen" you thought. You broke out of your trance and stood up. Cordelia started to broom the remains of the bowl and you kinda just stood there and looked at her. She was so concentrated on getting every piece off the floor, you thought it was so cute. After you finished she said "Guess were even now?". "Yeah I guess we are" you giggled. "She's so cute" Cordelia thought.
"I'm going to get ready for morning gathering. Thanks for the help Ms.Goode" you said and smiled nervously. "Of course (y/n)" she said. As you were walking Cordelia said "I have to get ready to, so I'll walk up with you".
You waited for her to catch up and both went up the stairs. "Hey I was wondering if you'd help me pick out something to wear? I have no clue what to put on" she said shyly. Cordelia didn't want to bother you but she just wanted your opinion on what to wear.
"Sure anything for you Ms.Goode" you tried to stop yourself but it was to late by the time you said that. Cordelia blushed but you couldn't see cause she was in front of you going up the stairs. She just stayed quiet because she didn't know how to respond. Cordelia couldn't understand how you felt about her. "Fuck why did I say that?" You thought.
You both just continued to walk up the stairs and finally arrived to her room. The last time you were in here you didn't really get to look around. Her room was simple but really elegant, it was the way you've always wanted your room to look like. Cordelia walked over to her closet and began to rummage through all her clothes, you don't think you've ever seen that much clothing.
"(Y/n) come help me pick something!" She said desperately.
There were a bunch of blouses that arranged by the colors from lightest to darkest. There were a crap ton but that's not unusual, considering that's what she wore most of the time. "Well your incredibly organized" you said with irony in your voice.
"Haha yeah, I guess you could say I'm a bit of a neat freak" she said.
You giggled at her remark. Then you began to look through the blouses, you found this light pink one that you thought would match her complexion. "Here this one is perfect" you said with a bit of excitement. It was as if all your nervousness went away and you felt kinda comfortable around her.
"That's perfect" she smiled and bit her lip. You couldn't help but think about how perfect her lips would be, even just to feel them. You finally came out of your trance when you realized what was happening.
"Ok so now you pick out your pants and then I'll help you pick out a pair of shoes" you said. She kept looking through her closet and then found a pair of black pants. "How bout' these?" She said anxiously waiting for your approval.
"They're perfect, Now where are your shoes?" You said.
"Um there over there in the smaller closet" she said pointing to the other side of the wall. "Christ how much clothing can one woman have?" You thought.
You opened the door and it was literally just only filled with shoes. You looked at it with your eyes wide open, Cordelia looked over to you and giggled. "What? You've never seen shoes before?" She said.
"Well not this many, considering its for ONE person" you said.
Anyways, you went back to looking for shoes and you found a pair of black pumps. You knew those would make her look hotter than she usually does. "Here, I think these will make the outfit ten times better" you handed her the shoes and she nodded in agreement. As she was about to take her shirt off, you turned around to make sure she didn't feel uncomfortable. "Hey it's fine you don't have to turn around. We're both girls here" she said. You knew she had a point but you'd probably get to turned on just by seeing take off her shirt. Cordelia kinda just wanted to see how you'd react. What she said honestly made you 100% believe she was straight. But you were still confused about that interaction you two had the other day in her room. You stayed turned around and told her it was fine, you did it so she wouldn't see how disappointed you were. " I really thought I had a chance. I'm such a dumbass. She's also my mentor, so yeah I guess that lowers my chances even more" you thought. After about a minute or two Cordelia said "does it look ok?", you quickly turned around. You couldn't believe how gorgeous she was even in the simplest things. "Yeah you look really great" you said . You didn't want her to think anything to let her know you liked her. So you made yourself seem neutral about it. Cordelia felt kinda disappointed but didn't show it. "Thanks" she said with a forced smile. "Wow she really isn't into me. Well she's straight so what was I expecting?" She thought. She looked in the mirror and didn't really feel satisfied with herself, she never did. Cordelia never liked anything about herself, that's what she was lead to believe all life. Fiona made her feel so worthless and it's always stuck with her. Cordelia never saw her full potential because no one really ever encouraged her. Not even Myrtle, she was there sometimes but not always. Cordelia was a lonely and hurt person and no one really ever knew that.

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