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After you and Cordelia had found each other downstairs, you both spilt up and went to get Myrtle because she was seemingly nowhere to be found as always. You looked outside on the porch, she wasn't  there. Looked in her bedroom... not there. Eventually you got tired of looking and went back downstairs and to your surprise they were both in the living room. As you came in you could see they were talking about something important, but as soon as they saw they stopped speaking. You knew it was probably about you and started to feel anxious but didn't show it. "hi Myrtle" you said and gave her a big toothed smile.

"hello darling, how are you?" she asked .

"I'm good, you?"

"just marvelous darling"

Then she looked at Cordelia and back at you. "So would anyone like to inform me what this is about?" she asked dramatically as always.

"Didn't Cordelia just talk to you about it?, you two seemed like what you were talking about was serious" you said.

You could tell Cordelia looked a bit nervous when Myrtle looked back at her, she gave her a look of disapproval. They were obviously talking about you but you didn't want to assume because that usually made you start some shit with others.

"Well-" Cordelia started.

You then stopped paying attention because you obviously already knew what happened. But then Myrtle whispered something to Cordelia and you looked up. You tried using this power you had that no one knew about cause then people wouldn't speak around you. You could make noises louder so you'd be able to hear them.

"We don't know what she knows about Amelia yet and for all we know she could be trying to lie about her involvement" Myrtle whispered.

You tried your best to control you anger and sadness you were feeling but you knew you couldn't act up.

"She wouldn't do that. I know her" Cordelia whispered back.

That made instantly smile and it made your heart do that weird thing it always does when Cordelia does or says something nice towards you. You tried to hide your smile. "Why am I so happy about this?" You thought.

Cordelia looked over to you and smiled a bit but wondered why the hell you were smiling. She thought it was really cute when you smiled.

"So what now? " You asked.

"Tomorrow, we will have a witch burning for Amelia. As much as it pains me to do, I have too" she said lowly.

You could see how pure her soul was in that moment because she could never hurt anyone, unless they were trying to hurt the people she loved.

"So tomorrow be up at 8:00 am sharp, no later!" Myrtle said.

"Don't worry we will" Cordelia said softly.

"Well goodnight ladies!" Myrtle said as she was walking towards the stairs. It was weird how her mood was so happy.

After Myrtle finally got upstairs, you looked at Cordelia and just smiled. You always smiled every time you looked at her and you didn't really know why you couldn't stop yourself.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Cordelia giggled.

"No reason" you said and stuck your tongue at her.

"Come on tell me!" She demanded

"It's nothing I swear"

"Liesss" She said

"Whatever" You said in a high pitched voice.

Cordelia then proceeded to walk towards the stairs and nodded her head towards the stairs for you to come over. You power walked over to her and she giggled at you. You just rolled your eyes and walked in front of her. Every time you walked in front of Cordelia she couldn't keep her eyes off of your hips and ass. "It's getting harder for me to resist touching her" she thought.

As you reached the top of the stairs, you stopped at the top and Cordelia bumped into you. Cordelia did it by accident but she grabbed your hips to prevent her from falling over. Then you preceded to lose your balance and fall over. Frantically Cordelia went to you and said "sweetheart are you ok?!!"

"Yeah I'm fine"

She came over to you, Now she was closer than ever and all you could do was stare intently at her lips. The tension between you both grew each second. Slowly your gaze met hers and you could see how much darker her eyes had become. She bit her lip and you swore you could hear a small moan. It turned you on more than it should've.

You cupped the side of her face and rubbed your thumb over her gentle skin. You both spoke with your eyes in that moment and you gently pulled her face in. The moment your lips touched, you both could feel the connection and pull your bodies had towards each other. For you, it felt like the first soft rain after a drought. The taste of her lips tasted like a mix of strawberry and mint. She wrapped her arms around your neck and deepened the kiss.

Cordelia's POV

I looked into her eyes and they just looked so different. The look of hurt she had in her eyes faded and it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen. Everything about (y/n) was alluring and fascinating, I'd never met anyone like her.

I felt her caress my face and the thoughts flooding my head, got to me. I moaned. I was embarrassed about it at first but I think she liked it? I felt her hand come up to my face and I swear my heart had never beat faster than it did right there. The desperation I felt to kiss her was unbearable, and I could feel a pull that was too powerful to resist. I never even thought she'd want anything to do with me. I hadn't felt this about anyone since Misty. It scared me, but I wanted her so much more than I ever wanted Misty.

She went in and I went in a lot faster than I should've but I couldn't help myself. Her lips were the softest things I'd ever felt. The taste was amazing, her lips were like a drug and I wanted more. Her hands tightened around my waist and she pulled me tighter. The heat in between my legs was growing by second...

Sorry for the long wait for an update, life has just been hectic but I hope you guys enjoy this little chapter for now!!

Cordelia?? (Cordelia x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें