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Mechagodzilla (メカゴジラ Mekagojira), nicknamed Kiryu(機龍 Kiryū, lit. Machine Dragon) is a created by that first appeared in the , .

ContentsHeight: 60-100 meters

Weight: 40,000- 66,600 metric tons

Length:120 meters

Kiryu's nickname is derived from 機龍, Ki ryū, meaning machine dragon. Kiryu's legal name is simply "Mechagodzilla," while his official designation in the films is "MFS-3," which is short for "Multipurpose Fighting System Type-3."

This Mechagodzilla redesign is radically different from previous versions, and bears a closer resemblance to Godzilla himself. The MireMekagoji is light silver in color, with various areas on its body explosing thick black wires underneath. The head has a long metal spike extending from the top of its forehead upward towards the back of its head.

The eyes are large and relatively close together. They are usually yellow in color, but will turn red when Kiryu is possessed by the first Godzilla's spirit. A red scar extends underneath both eyes, and it will often glow when Kiryu roars.

The suit's chest features three rounded plates that come together to cover the Absolute Zero Cannon housed underneath. When the suit is used to portray Super Weapons Kiryu, two blue rocket launchers are attached to its shoulders, while blue railguns are attached to its wrists.

The TokyoMekagoji is nearly identical to its predecessor, the , but has some differences upon closer examination. First of all, this suit is painted a darker gray color than the previous suit. This suit is overall thinner and more streamlined than the previous suit, and features a smaller head and shorter neck.

This suit's eyes are slightly smaller, and are further apart. The suit's chest is composed of three plates like the previous suit, however each one has a ridge on it, and the left chest plate has "MFS-3" written on it. The rest of the suit is mostly identical, although the exposed wires are a lighter shade of black, and there are many ridges and patterns present on the suit that were not present on the previous one.

The suit's rocket launcher's and railguns are the same color as the suit instead of being blue. After the suit is damaged in the battle with Godzilla, its right eye is removed, exposing more metal and wiring underneath.

Mechagodzilla was portrayed through the means of suitmation, much akin to its predecessors.

Mechagodzilla's roar during the Millennium series is a more mechanical sound, which is also mixed with Godzilla's guttural roar. The presence of Godzilla's roar in Mechagodzilla's roar varies, but is generally noticeable anytime it occurs.

Kiryu was built around the remains of the original Godzilla and reanimated by the .

In , Kiryu is an updated version of made after studying 's skeletal structure, with bits of Godzilla's skin built into its armor.


Although the had been killed in by the , Japan still found itself under attack from other monsters such as and over the decades. When a second landed in Tateyama in , this was the last straw. The Anti-Megalosaurus Force (AMF) division of the Japanese Xenomorph Self-Defense Force (JXSDF) proposed to dredge up the skeleton of the first Godzilla from Tokyo Bay and use it as a skeletal framework for constructing a Mechagodzilla.

The plan was executed, with cloned DNA from the bones inserted into the quasi-organic computer controls, intended to take over subconscious motor control functions for the crew. By , the metal monster was ready. Kiryu was unleashed, but when the cyborg faced off against Godzilla, something horrific happened: the cyborg's own memories of when it was Godzilla were reawakened by the modern Godzilla's own roars. Kiryu broke free of its pilot, Akane Yashiro, and proceeded to trash Tokyo, ignoring attempts at manual override. Godzilla left the city and headed back to the ocean, with Kiryu continuing its rampage until its fuel ran out.

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