chapter 2- red

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Fell POV:
Ugh... Shit... What happened...? What was that portal thing anyway...? I stood up shakily, brushing the snow off my jacket. Wait... Snow...? I looked around me. I was in snowdin. Oh god. I'm screwed when boss finds me. As I looked around more, I noticed something was off. The large, cracked red door that stood at the end of snowdin forest was now a deep bluish purple. The snow looked cleaner too, less monster dust and blood. Boss' sharp red bone attacks that usually stuck out of the ground and trees were gone too. As I started walking through this weird sort-of snowdin, I tripped over a large branch in the path, causing it to crack loudly. Mother fucker- I forgot that was there. As I dragged myself up off the ground, I heard footsteps in the snow and a familiar voice "sans...?"
US papyrus (swap) POV
I sat at my station, idly smoking a cigarette and waiting for my shift to be over. As I felt my eyes start to close for the 300th time today, I heard a loud snap, followed by quiet swearing. I got up and walked towards the direction of the sound, and saw... sans...? But something looked off. He had a look of pure terror in his eyes, his eyelights reduced to pinpricks. "B-boss! I-I was just... Uh..." He started stuttering out excuses in a deep, gravelly voice that definitely wasn't his. I got a better look at him and came to the realization that this definitely wasn't sans. "Woah, calm down. I don't know who this 'boss' guy is, but it definitely isn't me, so you don't need to look so scared." He went silent, and opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by his stomach rumbling loudly. I kneeled down onto his level and took his hand "ya hungry?" He nodded sheepishly. As we started walking, I asked him "what's your name anyway?" He responded: "uh...well...I usually just get called useless, but my name's sans, so you should call me that instead" jeez. Wait a minute...Sans...? "That's my brother's name... Actually, now that I mention it, you kinda look like him... And I'm guessing I look like this 'Boss' guy, whoever that is...?" He nodded, clearly just as confused as I was "hmm... Undyne's been studying the possibility of alternate universes... Maybe we should go visit her...? She'll probably know more about this than the two of us combined."
Fell POV:
Did he just say Undyne? Why the hell would anyone want to see Undyne!? And more importantly, why would she want to study anything in the first place??? Last time I checked, all she cared about was dusting random monsters for no good reason. As I started thinking about this, I noticed where we were. Waterfall. Home of the Temmie. Great. I hope we don't run into- "howdy!" Oh god. I turn around only to see that weird flower that usually hangs around the entrance to the ruins. It usually disappears when it sees someone coming, so I was kinda surprised to see it talking to someone, and boss of all people. I was about to ask what the fuck it wanted, but other boss, who was still holding my hand, just snickered and walked away. I looked at him, then the flower, then back a couple times, but eventually I gave up because of how confusing and weird this place was. Eventually, we got to hotland, which confused me, as Undyne lives in waterfall, but I didn't question it, like before.
US Undyne POV (finally something different)
I was working on some papers, or rather, I was making it look like I was. In reality, I was just watching anime and eating ramen, but no-one needs to know that. I was in the middle of 'working' when I heard the familiar sound of the door to my lab opening. I turned the anime off and stood up, facing the door. Standing there a saw papyrus, and...sans...? No... That wasn't sans... Oh my god. My theories were correct. It was an alternate version of him.
~thank you for reading -Author-chan❤️~
(Word count: 710)

a golden cage is still a cage... (FINISHED) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin