chapter 8- welcome back to Underfell

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It had now been maybe about a month since Swap and Fell started dating. Not much had really changed about their relationship, since Fell was too scared (not of Swap, obviously) to want to take things too far, and Swap respected that, so the most they ever did was cuddle (which they did a lot) Fell seemed much happier now, but recently he'd seemed a little off. More on edge than usual. Swap had tried asking him about it a few times but Fell just simply brushed it off. Eventually, Swap's worry was almost overwhelming him, and he sat Fell down in their room and once again asked what was wrong. Fell knew there was no getting out of it this time, so he sighed and answered: "I don't know... I've just had this weird feeling recently, like something bad's gonna happen. I can't tell if I'm being dumb or not, so it's really been messing with me... "
Little did he know
Soon that would be the least of his worries

Swap Undyne POV:
I have now been working on finding another way to Fell's universe for months. I doubt he'll want to go back, but I find it facinating, and I want to see Fell's universe for myself, even if it's dangerous. I only need a couple more things until it's complete... This should be interesting.

~in Underfell~ (finally)
Fell Papyrus (or Edge) lay on the couch in the mess of his house, staring blankly at the ceiling. There was no reason to it, he didn't feel bad that Fell had left, not did he regret the way he treated him. He was just bored now. Extremely bored. The Royal Gaurd had been searching for Fell since he left, even going as far to take Alphys as hostage and forcing her to explain the multiverse theory. Now they knew there was a way out of here, they wanted proof, so they'd been looking for Fell ever since. Edge however, didn't really care where he'd gone, so rarely turned up to Royal Gaurd meetings. They couldn't kick him out, he was the captain, so that wasn't a fear of his. He'd just wait for this all to blow over. Speaking of which, his boredom still hadn't gone away, so he got up, and decided to go for a walk. Most people would be too scared, but Edge didn't care. Most of the time, he was what they were scared of. He adjusted his scarf, and left the house, normal 'I'm better than you' look on his face. It wasn't until he reached Snowdin forest that his expression changed, into one of confusion. In the middle of the path there was... A portal? With things being thrown through it. None of them landed on the floor, but disappeared as they entered. He moved a little closer to get a better look, and was suddenly being pulled into the portal. And just like that, he was transported to

Swap Undyne POV:
I had been testing the portal, by throwing small objects through and seeing if they would be transported properly. I had been going for a few minutes, when I decided to make some adjustments, and turned away to find some things, but when I turned back, the portal was gone... In it's place stood.... Papyrus? No.. he looked like him, but also like Fell. Suddenly it hit me, and I started running. This was Papyrus, just not the one I know. Fell told me what he was capable of when I first met him.. I had to warn them...
Fell Papyrus was here.
And he looked pissed.

3rd person POV:
Undyne ran and ran, all the way to Swap, Fell, and Blue's house. Of course, she could've called them, but she didn't want to see for herself what Edge could do, so she decided to see them in person. She knocked on the door, and waited a few seconds before Blue answered "OH, HI UNDYNE! I WASN'T EXPECTING YOU TO- ARE YOU OK..? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'VE SEEN A GHOST... " Undyne smiled weakly "w-well, not q-quite... Are F-F-Fell and y-y-your brother h-here?" Blue nodded and let her in, telling her to sit down while he went and woke them up. It took a while, but eventually the lazy pair dragged themselves downstairs and sat with Undyne, almost immediately sensing the seriousness of what she was going to say by the look on her face. She took a deep breath, and told them everything. Fell looked like he was going to have a panic attack, and just as Swap was going to try and comfort him...
There was a knock at the door.

Word count: 792

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