Chapter 10- Goodbyes

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"WELL I'M GOING BACK, SO HE'LL HAVE TO-" Fell swatted Edge's hand away, shuffling to stand next to Swap

"I'm staying."

Edge looked at Fell, his face turning into a scowl "WHAT WAS THAT?" he asked, daring him to repeat himself. There was silence, and Fell shrunk back slightly, before Swap took a step forward. He was slightly taller than Edge, maybe by a few inches, and was trying to use that to his advantage "he said he's staying. He doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to." Edge desperately turned to Ink, who shrugged slightly "there's nothing that's forcing him to go, other than you..." Fell finally started to speak "why would I go anyway? There's nothing for me back in Underfell. I never get fed, or cared for, everyone hates me there, including you. You only want me to go back so that you can make yourself look like the hero, and keep sucking up to the king and the rest of the royal guards. That's all that's keeping you in power. That, and fear. Well, joke's on you, because I'm not scared of you anymore. So whatever you say, I'm not going to give in. I'm staying here, and that's final." the room filled with silence. Nobody had heard Fell stand up to himself like that before. Nobody had heard Fell stand up for himself to begin with. Edge growled, before turning to the door "fine. You're right. Everyone hates you. I'll just say you killed yourself. Nobody cares anyway. I doubt you'll even be missed. You'll see, that these impostors hate you as well. You're not worth anything to them. They just-" Swap cut him off, stepping forward" that's not true. If you're going to leave, then hurry up and do it. You're the one who's worth nothing, not Fell." Edge didn't respond. He growled, and, grabbing Ink by the arm, stormed out of the house. His footsteps and Ink's protesting faded into the distance, before being replaced by the sound of Fell crying. Swap picked him up, and, after asking Blue if he could call Undyne to see what she knew about AUs, gently carried him upstairs into their now shared room, shutting the door and sitting on the bed with him. He let him cry for about an hour, before he started to calm down. He lifted his chin up so he was looking at him, and asked in a soft voice "are you ok...?" Fell sniffled and nodded, burying his face into Swap's chest and mumbling "I j-just... I'm not used t-to having p-people stand u-up for me.. A-a-at all..." Swap sighed at that, and lay down on the bed with him. They sat in silence for a bit, before Swap kissed his forehead and said "well... If you're staying... That's all about to change."

A/N: I'm sorry this part took so long. I went on a little unannounced hiatus so I could take a break and focus more on school and other important life stuff. Another part of the 30 day honeymustard challenge should be coming soon, and this story will be finished in another about 2-4 parts. I have a special finale planned, so I hope you can wait long enough for that.

Word count: 556 words

a golden cage is still a cage... (FINISHED) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن