chapter 3- blue

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3rd person POV:
After a lot of excited scrambling, Undyne managed to properly introduce herself to Fell. He seemed reluctant at first, which was understandable given the reputation Undyne had in his universe. Undyne later pulled him aside for a bit so she could ask him some questions to try and figure out what alternate universe (AU) he was from
Underswap Undyne POV:
"S-so, uhm.. f-first question..." I began "d-do you have an Undyne where you're from...?" I was a little scared to ask, based on how terrified he was of me when we first met. Turns out that fear was well justified. He explained that his Undyne had a similar role to Alphys... But... She sounded like a complete psycho. I sighed and jotted it down. I went on asking questions about different people, jotting down his reluctant answers. It was going alright, until I asked about his Papyrus. He went silent and refused to answer, so I just sighed and told him that was all. He left and I turned back to my desk to look over my research and try to figure out what universe he was from. I told Papyrus to go back home with him and that I'd call him when I figured out an answer. He nodded and took his hand, teleporting them back.
3rd person POV:
When they got back, Blue was already home "BROTHER!! YOU'RE BACK! I WAS JUST WONDERING WHEN-" he cut himself off and looked over at Fell, who was cowering behind Swap "uh... Brother, who's that...?" Blue asked in a quieter voice. Swap gently nudged fell forward "he's a friend of mine. He'll be staying here for a while." Swap explained. Blue's face lit up, eyelights turning to stars. He started spewing out questions, like his name, how long him and Swap, or Papy, as he called him hand known eachother, how Blue didn't know him if him and Papy did, how long he'd be staying for, the list goes on. Fell did his best to answer, but could hardly get a word in edgeways. Swap chuckled and picked Blue up, cutting him off and giving Fell some time to answer the questions "w-well... My name's Sans, a-and-" he was cut off yet again by Blue as he hopped down from Swap's grasp "WAIT A MINUTE... SANS...? THAT'S MY NAME... THOUGH USUALLY I GET CALLED BLUE... HMMM... MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE A NICKNAME TOO...? HOW ABOUT... RED? SINCE I'M BLUE, AND YOU WEAR A LOT IF RED.." Fell (or Red) thought about it, then nodded with a sigh "it's better than nothing I guess..." Blue smiled and headed into the kitchen to cook "OH! YOU MUST BE HUNGRY! I'LL MAKE YOU SOME TACOS!!! MWEH HEH HEH!!!!" Fell shrugged silently. As hungry as he was, he didn't really feel like eating, but he didn't want to be rude. As he started trying to think of an excuse, he felt dizzy and sat down. His head hurt... Swap noticed and asked if he was ok. Fell nodded, and rubbed his head, whimpering quietly. Swap obviously didn't believe him, and got him a blanket "you should rest. Missing Blue's tacos wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. We can get food when you wake up" Fell nodded and took it, pulling it over him and already starting to doze off.
Sorry this is shorter than my other chapters, I haven't had much time to write because of school. My other chapters will be much longer, I promise. Another thing, I realized I haven't roleplayed in a really long time, so if anyone wants to do a honeymustard rp (duh XD) pm me! I'll be Fell >:3

Thanks for reading ❤️ ~author-chan

Word count: 632 words

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