chapter 6- what happened

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A/N: I only wrote this chapter bc I felt bad for leaving you guys in the dark on what happened while Swap and Fell were talking and what happened before so I wrote this one quickly. The next chapter will be out in a few days as I was already working on it

(Also this whole chapter is in 3rd person POV bc I'm lazy)

Fell woke up the next morning to a pair of arms wrapped around him. It was Swap. Fell blushed a little as he remembered what happened yesterday

Fell was sitting quietly under the covers in his and Swap's room, writing in his diary. He didn't really know why he kept writing in it anymore, as he'd only really kept writing in it when he lived in Underfell in case he died and someone cared enough to want to know what happened to him. Fell was almost done writing, when Swap came in. Swap lifted the covers off of him and asked smugly:"whatcha doin' there, shortie?" the only response he got from Fell was "writing" and a small grumble as he attempted to pull the covers back over himself. Swap took the book from him, reading a little bit "writing what? Oooh, a diary? That's cute." Swap chuckled as Fell scrambled to try and get it back, getting tangled in the sheets and falling flat on his face. Swap left the room as Fell let out a growl, getting up to untangle himself before storming up to Swap, who was talking to Blue, and trying to snatch his diary from Swap, who held it above his head and read it in a mocking version of Fell's voice. Fell kept trying to get it back, his face growing increasingly redder from blushing. It was only after Swap read out an entire about Fell's crush on him that Fell was able to get it back. He grabbed it and stormed upstairs, face a bright cherry colour. Swap was blushing almost as much as Fell as he watched him leave. He looked over at Blue, who ushered Swap to go talk to him. Swap sighed and walked upstairs, while Blue giggled evilly to himself. Meanwhile, Fell was sitting upstairs trying to finish writing in his diary, before he heard a knock at the door. He grumbled a bit before opening the door. It was Swap. Fell sighed a bit, moving to the side and letting him in. Swap sat on the bed and looked at him "Fell, listen.. I'm sorry I read your diary, but.. what you wrote about me.. is it true?" Fell went quiet for a bit, before nodding. Swap chuckled a little before pulling Fell onto his lap "Fell, the only reason I was asking is because... I like you too" Fell's blush returned when he heard that. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Swap pushing his lips (?) Against Fell's

~flashback end~

Fell was suddenly ripped from his thoughts by Swap moving him, pulling him up onto his chest. "Morning." Swap said to him with a smile. Fell smiled back. "Morning." He responded. They sat there in silence for a little bit before Swap broke it by asking: "so, what do you want to do today?" Fell shrugged a bit and after a few seconds Swap asked: "how about we do something together?" Fell blushed a little "you mean... like a date?" He asked "yeah..." Swap responded "a date."

Word count: 586 words (・_-。 )

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