chapter 9- Ink

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Fell looked like he was going to have a panic attack, and just as Swap was going to try and comfort him...
There was a knock at the door.

Everyone froze. Swap got up, mumbling that he'd answer it. Fell got up too, shuffling to the door with him nervously. Swap paused for a few seconds, before he cautiously opened it.

And standing there, with an annoyed smirk on his face,

Was Edge.

Edge scowled, looking straight past Swap and glaring at Fell. "WELL. LOOK WHAT I FOUND. COWERING BEHIND WHAT I CAN ONLY PRESUME IS A COPY OF ME. CARE TO EXPLAIN?" Fell was silent. He just stood there, like a deer in headlights. "WELL? NEVERMIND. I DIDN'T CARE ANYWAY. I'M ONLY HERE TO GET YOU BACK SO YOUR PUNISHMENT FOR LEAVING ISN'T ANY WORSE. NOW, DON'T MAKE THIS DIFFICULT." He barged past Swap, going to grab Fell's collar, only to realize. He wasn't wearing it. Fell whimpered slightly as Edge turned to Swap. "YOU. YOU'RE THE REASON HE TOOK HIS COLLAR OFF, AREN'T YOU?" Swap took a step backwards as Edge summoned a bone in his hand, preparing to hit him. They were distracted, however, by a loud 'poof' sound. They all paused, and looked in the direction of the sound. Where the space had once been empty, there was now another skeleton standing there. And he looked worried. "Nobody fight eachother! Oh jeez this is worse than I thought..*sigh* my name's Ink. You're probably aware by now that something has gone wrong with the Alternate Universes, or AUs for short." Edge looked at him in confusion "THE WHAT?" "let me explain. Your universe is one of many, all of which have their own similarities and differences to the original, known as Undertale. The one we are all in currently, is called Underswap, as the people's personalities here are swapped from the original. However, you two-" he gestured to Edge and Fell "-are meant to be in Underfell" he turned to Fell. "Fell Sans- by spending so much time here, you have created a permanent portal between the two universes, meaning that anyone from here can go to Underfell, and anyone from Underfell can come here. The portal is currently in Fell Alphys' lab, as she created it in an attempt to kill the king by sending him to the void, the space between each universe where nothing exists. If you get stuck there, there's no way out, and you will eventually be forgotten. The machine isn't finished though, so it lead here instead. After you two disappeared, the portal was deemed dangerous. Alphys has been taken to prison, and the portal will be closed in a few hours. If you do not return, you will be stuck here forever. If you go, however, then you can never come back here." There was silence for a moment, before Edge piped up, grabbing Fell's arm "WELL I'M GOING BACK, SO HE'LL HAVE TO-" Fell swatted Edge's hand away, shuffling to stand next to Swap

"I'm staying."

Word count: 513 words

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