Chapter 5- the ship has sailed

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It had become apparent over time to both Swap and Fell that they had feelings for eachother. However, Fell being the nervous bean he is, and Swap not wanting to scare away the already untrusting skeleton, they never even considered asking eachother. However, Blue had a different plan. It had also become apparent to him that the two liked eachother, but whenever he asked about it, they'd ignore the question and hurriedly change the subject. Blue had been planning something for a while now, and was finally ready to put his plan into action. The first plot he'd come up with was to, whenever the two were together, ask them if they liked eachother. Then hopefully one of them would notice the reaction of the other and cotton on that he liked him back. He did this for almost two weeks, and nothing happened. However, he had a second plan, that had to work. This one would take more preparation though. For a few weeks, he wrote a diary as if he was Fell. He'd leave it around places where Fell spent a lot of time, he'd try swearing a lot when he wrote in it, and he even tried writing with his left hand to copy Fell's shaky, almost unreadable handwriting. Eventually, after almost a month, he gave it to Swap, and said he found it. He read a few pages, before handing it back to him "that's cute, bro. But I know Fell didn't write that." Blue was dumbfounded "WH... H-HOW!?" he questioned with a hint of fraustration in his voice. Swap smirked, taking out a small, battered book from his pocket. "Because. I have his diary right here" Just then, Fell stormed into the room, trying to snatch it from Swap, who held it above his head and read it in a mocking version of Fell's voice. Fell kept trying to get it back, his face growing increasingly redder from blushing. It was only after Swap read out a whole page about Fell's crush on him that Fell was able to get it back. He grabbed it and stormed upstairs, face a bright cherry colour. Swap was blushing almost as much as Fell was as he watched him leave. He looked over at Blue, who ushered for Swap to go talk to him. Swap sighed and walked upstairs, still blushing, while Blue giggled evilly to himself. He stood there for a few minutes, before getting bored and going to see what they were doing. He opened the door and looked in carefully, though they seemed occupied. Fell was sat in Swap's lap, facing him with his arms wrapped over his shoulders as they kissed. Blue squealed loudly, forgetting they'd hear him. Fell pulled away and looked over at Blue, before scrambling away from Swap and chasing Blue around the house for a solid 5 minutes while Swap watched quietly, not doing anything to help either of them. It was only after Fell flopped onto the couch in defeat that Swap walked over, picking up his new boyfriend and carrying him back to their room, but not before looking back at Blue with a playful glare. Blue huffed a bit, but his momentary annoyance was quickly erased as he remembered he needed to tell Undyne and Alphys. He quickly sat on the arm of the couch, hurriedly texting the two in order to see their reaction as soon as possible. Finally, he thought to himself as he tapped out the last few words and hit send. Finally, the ship has sailed. He said it under his breath as he watched the exited replies from Undyne and Alphys pop up. The ship has sailed.

Word count (・_-。 ) : 613

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