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Death: the permanent loss of consciousness; the irreversible cessation of all vital functions.

I stand here now on the cliff face watching the horizon. It makes it look as if the sea goes on forever. I feel the rain as it falls, the wind as it blows and I hear the waves as they crash against the rock below. I can see the lightning flash across the stormy night sky, I hear the thunder as it roars, calling out for someone to answer it. The strong gale force winds attempting to knock me off my feet and into the watery depths below. I stumble by the winds and by the rain bucketing down. This is all it takes. The wind sweeps me up. I feel the air under my feet and then I see the water below. As I fall I close my eyes and say my last goodbye to this world. For what waits beyond that water is a different world, beyond that water, lies Death itself.

The Darkness ... before The Light

The Darkness, The Light and the Grey In-betweenWhere stories live. Discover now