Death, my old friend

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No matter how much you beg and plead for your life or the life of another. He won't listen, he can't listen for Death is Death. He cannot hear your pleas only see you begging. Mouths ajar, tears streaming down your face. As if your screaming, crying, begging for him to leave them alone, but alas he cannot hear you. Only see you and by this point, he is immune to your silent cries and begs. Immune to the tears you shed the voiceless screams of pain, agony and sorrow as well as loss and grief. He stares at into your wet teary eyes which at this current time hold no shine besides that of the unshed tears. His deep, dark, crimson red eyes. Like two pools of blood. Eyes of which show you no mercy and never will show you Mercy. As long as you may live then die.

 At the sight of his blood-red eyes, the man who was begging in front of him got up quickly and stumbled back into the corner of the room in a pitiful attempt to escape Death's grip. Which in turn did nothing but allow Death to draw closer to the dying girl in front of the fire. 

He looked down onto her face and saw only a small spark of light still shone in her deep, once vibrant now ever dulling brown eyes. As Death looked into her eyes he felt almost sorry that such a nice girl, with an even kinder soul was dying and that he had to take that kind soul from her dying body. As he started into her eyes he could see in her eyes that she knew what he was doing and understood. That he should not worry, in return his once hard blood eyes lightened up apologetically if only for a split second but it was still there. He raised his hand above her body slowly, trying to make sure she lived a little longer but doing it fast enough so that she was in pain for as little amount of time as possible. With one final look at her slowly paling face, he ended her misery. With her soul having left her body, he stared into her now lifeless eyes, and her chest no longer moving up and down in that calming almost reassuring way as her heart now no longer beats with the life she once had. Leaving The man crying for what was just lost Death exits the room of her death and hand in hand with her soul and spirit he leads her to her final place of existence. A place where even death is not allowed a place where she must once they reach the gates must go in alone. 

For, Death is not welcomed amongst the angels above in the Heaven of the sky.  With a look of almost sadness crossing her face she lets go of Death's hand and started to walk the final distance to the gates. But just before she enters she turns around and runs back giving Death a warm hug, a smile and a thank you for helping her find her way and for being there. A sudden feeling of worth and appreciation washes over Death as for the first time in a very long time, he gives her a smile. A genuine smile as she walks away and into a far better place. He continues to smile knowing that she is better off here and that he is no matter how bad it may be that Death is not all grim and dark. Just as she is about to enter she gives him one final wave and smile and simply says...

 "Goodbye Death, 

my Old Friend"...

Authors Note

Hello sorry for the wait but I have some half typed up chapters I am trying to find the time to finish and a fair few chapters I have to type up still. This was one I started months ago that I never knew how to finish. So sorry if the ending is a bit bad but anyway I wanted to finish something since I haven't updated in a while. Sorry for the wait again have a good day/night bye.

First Published on the 6th of March 2020. 

Last Updated on the 27th of July 2020

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