A Letter to Cancer

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Dear Cancer,

You would be happy to know you finally did it, you broke me and before I could even get the chance to piece myself back together you did it again and again and again and again and again. When will this madness stop? When will you stop? You have affected and or killed around 3/4 of my Dad's side of the family and now you target my Mums. Why? What has me or my family done that could possibly make you target us the way you are. You have taken Teachers, Mentors, Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Aunties, Uncles, Grandparents and even pets from the ones they love, from me. You have even taken children... so young and innocent, their light so pure. Yet their souls are lost and their bodies now lay cold, limp and lifeless. Buried in a wooden box or burned and put in a jar. Like the jars, they once stole biscuits or cookies from now hold their ashes. I no longer see the light as I look deeply into their eyes, as they slowly die a too premature death. All I see in their face, their eyes is Death. Or at least what my imagination and experience with Cancer, has led me to believe it looks like. So now I ask you again Why? What is your plan, your end game? I don't even know what game you are playing anymore. Whether it be Chess, Checkers, Poker or even bloody Uno. But to be honest I don't care anymore. For now "I am broken and broken is me, For I am as broken as broken can be". "Come join me in the dump where all the broken things now lay down to die".  

Dear, Dear Cancer....... 

Why Me?...

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