My Lifes Rose

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Original Poem

Title: From White Rose, to Red Rose

I once was a flower, a beautiful White Rose,

 but now my petals are tainted. 

For the death toll did rose,

This once White Rose now stained Red.

From the dark colour of their blood,

For now that they are dead.

Updated and extended poem

Title: My life's Rose

Time flies past, yet each moment special,

A ticking clock, another fallen petal,

From a rose that once was in bloom,

Slowly withers as death looms.

We all have a flower, We all have our rose,

Mine was white, as white as the snow,

But too much has happened, 

So much sadness and death,

So much pain we all have endured,

So now my rose has changed,

Now and for forevermore.

For once I was a flower, a beautiful White Rose,

but now my petals are tainted,

For the death toll, it rose,

Now this once White Rose is forever stained Red.

From the dark colour of their blood,

Now that so many are dead.

But they will be remembered,

As their flowers wilt down,

For as our loved one slowly dies,

Their last petal will fall, as we say our goodbyes.

For we are all apart of a garden, the Gardens of Life,

Watered, shaded, and grown through strife,

Raised up to be beautiful flowers, so strong,

And rocked slowly to life's sweet song.

For I may now have my petals tainted,

I may have gone from white to red,

I may have witnessed a world in chaos, 

But I am still standing tall.

From White Rose to Red, I am who I am,

For I am a rose, and I may have some thorns,

But take me as I am, for this is how I was born,

Sure I may be weird and I may be a bit odd,

But I am rose, and a beautiful flower of God. 

Authors Note(Old version)

I wrote this quickly after my friend mentioned something about being a flower. So in my head, I came up with this short poem. I am planning on extending this poem to make it longer later but this is it for now. Sorry about the short chapter I have a longer one still in the making. I have written it I just need to type it up. Until next chapter Bye.

Authors Note (Updated)

So I edited this and made it longer as promised. The edited longer one I actually entered into a poetry competition. So fingers crossed I will do well. I hope you are all staying safe and staying well.

First Published on the 16th of March 2020

Last Updated om the 7th of September 2020

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