I despise 'Perfection'

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I despise it, perfection. The falsification of it. The mask titled it. The tall tale told that one can be 'Perfect.' That one's flaws make it imperfect, flawed, damaged, unclean and broken. If God really wanted us to be 'Perfect.' To make this world 'Perfect', he would have made no more wars or conflict. He would have made us all the same, all identical if he was to make us 'Perfect'. But we are not all the same. We are all different and unique and these differences in our appearance, personality, culture, race, religion and more are what make us who we are. What we think divides us only shows how ununiformed, unique and how culturally diverse our world is but not just culturally.  What makes us stand out, different is what makes us, us. Those little or big things we do to 'Stand out' aren't always to just stand out, show off, to be different or a cry for help. Sometimes we do these things to just be us, the unique, beautiful us. Sometimes we even stand out to fit in. By showing people that we are just like them. 

To say to them that "I am like you so stop treating me as if I am not because I am. I have blood in my veins it may be of a different type or origin but it is still blood. That I have skin on my bones, it may not be the same colour but it works the same way. I have the same internal and external organs like you. They may vary between age, health and you may have one more or less kidney than me but they are still the same and alike in many, many ways. They still work the same way and together despite their differences. You may have more or less physical, mental and emotion scars than me. more or fewer birthmarks of bigger or smaller sizes, with a, vary in colours but why should we let that divide us. I may be shorter or taller than you of different love attraction and different sex both know and not but I am still the same as you. So stop treating me as less, stop treating me like I am a contagious, incurable disease instead of a 'normal' human being. 

As something to be feared instead of loved because of all that will accomplish is to scar me and hurt me even more than I already am and those types of scars never heal... not fully anyway. 

And no amount of friendly words, kind actions or family love can cure them. For the scars you give me are uncurable. You may think that I forgave you, that I forgot what you did to me, but you are wrong. All I did was ignore you as I allowed myself to sink in deeper and deeper into the slowly darkening abyss that it the home of all my lost hopes, broken dreams. Your hurtful words, judgemental looks, my endless pain, forgotten dignity, continuous suffering and my forever darkening, depressed state. Which by you and all others has been forced upon me by your endless taunts, judgemental looks and bullying behaviour. I am your victim, you are the accused and I will no longer deny the claims of bullying from you For you are the accused and I am now both The Judge and The Jury and I find you guilty of bullying of the highest degree. This degree of bullying, the highest degree, only happens when the 'Bully' manages to force someone, Their 'victim' into an almost inescapable state of depression. Forcing them to hide behind a mask of false happiness, a false sense of security and a false perception of the world and of others. Lying to say that they are "fine" when they are not. All in order for them to hide how broken and depressed they really are.

 I just don't get it...

Why can't our world be like our bodies? A single body made of many different organs who alone do much but when they work together they form something different, something new in all the best ways. If we can all work together despite our differences then our world could be something greater than it already is. Because once we look at the beauty within, the things that unite us instead of those things that divide and define us. That is when we can see the most amazing, beautiful and truly amazing things start to happen.

"There is no 'Normal', what people perceive as 'Normal' is just a fault in our system" - Wonder

Here are some quotes I found which are related (the first one is mine by the way):

Here are some quotes I found which are related (the first one is mine by the way):

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This chapter I wrote down on a piece of paper I think about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I thought I would type it up and publish it because a few weeks ago it was "Love your Body Week". So I thought this was 'Perfect'. (Well 'Perfect' as I could get without trying to achieve that almost unattainable goal of 'Perfection' )In the spirit of what was " love Your Body week" I have a final quote and reminder for you...

"No one, No thing and No body is 'Perfect',

We are all flawed in some way,

But that is what makes us so unique.

Love your Body no matter how flawed,

Because it loves you,

Besides... you only get one" 

- Wonder2143

Anyway, I will see you next chapter, until then bye.

First published on the 22nd of September 2019

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