Ch 4. Your Patrick star

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Taehyung wished that the world would stop, just for a moment. A brief of moment for him to explore the whole things he loved.

Explore every detail of the place he spend his days in, being able to give affection and love for the people he loved the most. Laugh and smile for the things he admired the most

All he needed was a moment, that's all he wished for

Everyone seemed to be sound asleep after the long trip here. The only one who had his eyes shot open was the blue haired boy who sat silently on his bed

He was to deep in his thoughts to sleep, for some reason he didn't want to close his eyes and be drowned into a deep slumber.

He didn't want to waste the time they were here in the camp, wanting to cherish every moment like it's the last thing to be held in his arms

He smiled down at his blonde best friend and his two new ones who he had stayed up and chatted with for hours.

He decided to get some air, already missing the sweet smell of the forest. Walking out quietly with small steps out of the room, he turned to approach the balcony

It was just a few steps away from His room, he slowly opened the doors to be welcomed by the sweet air blowing against his face

The forest was even more beautiful during the night, when the stars were out painting the sky.

When he was little he used to think the stars were just like in movies, painted in a bright yellow, formed with five pointy triangles.

It was a huge disappointment to know the truth about those yellow figures on the sky, still he liked to think of them as when he was a kid

He was still a kid after all, deep down we all are. He missed those carefree moment the most and looking down at the lit up fireplace just below the balcony, it brought back many memories he didn't know he had

He suddenly heard steps making their way toward the balcony, soon after a irritated voice filling the silent he had gotten used to

"For fuck sake, you can't smoke anywhere alone in this stupid cabin"

The darked haired boy muttered as he caught sight of Taehyung in the balcony. He's all new cigarrete ready to be lit in the fresh air between his fingers

Taehgung glanced to his side when he saw the boy walk inside the balcony, a deep frown was painting the black haired boys face

"Hello to you too"

Taehyung greeted back as he chuckled, which made the cigarrete boy send a quick glare to his side. He hugged his cigarrete between his lips before he lit it up

A puff of smoke flew out in the air which Taehyung couldn't care less to comment on

The silent took over them as they both minded their own little business. Their eyes glancing at the stars lighting up the dark sky

"Hey, Did you also believe the stars looked like Patrick star from spongebob SquarePants?"

Taehyung spoke up while they observed the sky. He could feel the weirded out glare he got from the other

"you must be dumb for believing that shit"

The cigarette boy commented as he took another blow, the smoke blocking the view of the sky

"hey! I'm not dumb, I just have a creative mind"

Taehyung told after his little offended moment. He smiled to himself as he kept thinking about the weirdly shaped stars

"whatever weirdo, I'm going to sleep. I'm to tired to hear this bullshit"

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