Ch 9. Your body

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The bottle stood right before him, the familiar pills were laid inside but his feet were still stood frozen on the ground. He couldn't help but hate the look of them or the constant reminder they gave of something he tried to push back to the furthest place in his brain

He sometimes didn't know where he were going,feeling lost in his own grasp of life. Trying to hold it dearly between his fingers but all he got back was how it slowly slipped away between his fingers

He couldn't help but cross the questions about why. But it wasn't anyone's fault, he can't blame anyone. So even if the life is slipping away he just needs to get down on his knees and pick it up again

No matter what he always did that, which everyone adored so much from him. The way he never gave up no matter what happened, no matter what came In his way he would stand up again on his legs

But did they really see the hurt he felt from the way he's legs slowly are giving up from picking it up again

I don't think so

"Hey! That's my butter"

"I touched it first, go get your own butterhead!"

Jimin and jin bickered first thing in the morning in the cafeteria. Both fighting over the last butter laying on the table around the four of them

Taehyung chuckled at the two of his fighting friends while Namjoon was embarrassed from all the stares being sent towards their table. He really wished he had a volume remote right now

"Look what you did! You're making Namjoon rethinking our friendship!"

Jin yelled att Jimin face when he noticed the expression on Namjoons face, who actually started rethinking their friendship after Jins comment making the blue haired boy laugh louder

After the bickering died down after they all shared the last butter for a solution, they decided to head outside to look around the camp since they never got the chance to do so

"Woah, it's so beautiful"

Taehyung said as he's eyes sparkled when he observed the trees colored bright green from the sun. The bright light hitting his eyes but he didn't understand why everything suddenly turned darker the more he looked into the light

The peaceful sound of the birds chirping was blocked by the yelling of his name

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