Ch 13. Your taste

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Taehyung had found himself outside again, blended with the night sky as he laid over the shivering cold grass under his body. His clothes was to numb to his skin, and skin to silent to get up

He had sat there for a while, eyes fixed on the rust flame blinding his choclate brown eyes. It was to dark to talk and to cold to get in. He found himself leaving the cabin for some air while his roommates was already in a deep slumber

He had missed to be outside for quite some time now. Missing the air hitting his face and his cold breath being before him. The smell of his mother's clothes hitting his nose and the rusting sound of animals hiding behind bushes

He couldn't stay away from it for to long, always finding himself back here no matter what the world says against him

The grass rustled behind him, thinking it was an animal running around. But once the animal took a seat next to him, he knew he wasn't snow white bonding with animals

"it's cold, what idiot is out here at this hour?"

He listened to Jungkook, who was to an surprise the animal. He had sat down next to the blue haired, almost impossible to see from the black of his clothes blending with the night

He smelled the familiar smell of the cigarrete of the later, smoke blowing past his face, finding himself breath it in as an instinct

"You smoke a lot"

"You talk a lot"

Jungkook replied back to the latters comment. Taehyung turned to face the other, catching eyes with the dark haired with the cigarette between his lips

He snorted at the reply, silly smile across his face as he laid his chin on his knees. His cold hands wrapped themselves around his numb legs

"I can't stop doing something that's a part of myself now"

Jungkook spoke up again, answering this time the previous comment. He laid his hands behind his back, holding his body up as he stared at the flame before their eyes

"I guess it was a bad habit of mine, but I don't regret it"

He continued. Taehyung turned his head to look at the raven who's eyes were stil fixed on the bonfire. The blue haired opened his mouth

"You don't regret it... Why would you regret something when there's nothing to regret"

He told, his head back over his knees as he stared down at the drenched Grass under their weights. He could hear Jungkook heavy sighs beside him as he instead turned his eyes to the black painted sky over their heads

"Maybe I should regret it"

"I used to smoke"

Taehyung told back, his voice and tone still the same. Seem to be no different for him to recognize. A normal topic for him wasn't it?

"Hard to believe"

Taehyung chuckled as he heard the other reaction, not surprised himself. People didn't believe someone like him used to hold a cigarrete between his lips.

How he used to smoke a packet a day, longing for the smoke to fill his lungs every second of the day. The hours went slower when he smoked, always wanting to get out and take one out to be lit

It was better than anyone, than anything. It was a replacement for everything, he loved the taste of it more than the food he should have eaten at that time. He forgot the taste of things and the only craving his body desired was the suffocating smoke

"I wanted to breath another air than the one we all do"

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