Chapter 1

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It's been about 1 or 2 years since my journey ended. To be honest i miss the days that Marta and i spent travelling around the world. But i have this strange feeling that this adventure i'm about to go on, will be my most important one yet.

One Day in Luin near the evening...

"Everything so peaceful now. For once, i actually miss encountering monsters." Emil admitted while looking up into the sky, watching the clouds go by

Emil's eyes turn red.

"Really? I feel the exact opposite." Ratatosk admitted

They turn back to green

"That's weird well looks like we'll have to live with it for the time being." Emil pointed out.

Emil walks around Luin for a bit. While doing so, he noticed that he was in front of the fountain with the statue of Lloyd on it.

"Lloyd... everyone..." Emil said depressed

"You miss them don't you?" Someone wondered curiously

"Hey tenebrae and yeah i do miss them.  It's only been a few years yet i miss everyone. I kind of wish we could go on another adventure." Emil noticed before admitting something

"You could always visit them you know." Tenebrae reminded

"I know but it wouldn't feel the same." Emil pointed out

Emil heads back to his Aunt and Uncle's house and tenebrae conceals himself to avoid causing a panic. While heading back Emil noticed someone waiting by his house and he recognized the person instantly

"Hey, Marta." Emil called out

Marta looks where Emil is and walks over.

"Hi, Emil." She greeted

The two hug each other before walking around town.

"Do you ever get that feeling where you want to go on another adventure?" Marta asked curiously

"You too?" Emil wondered

"Yeah." Marta admitted depressed

Emil thinks for a minute before having an idea.

"Let's go to Take a trip down memory lane." Emil suggested

"Heh... sure." Marta giggled while agreeing with him

The two then walked to Lake sinoa.

"Remember this place? It was all dried up due to lumen being asleep. This is also the place you and i met for the second time." Emil pointed out

"I remember. You were a coward back then but during our journey, you changed a lot. Instead of me Cheering you up, you were cheering me up when i we had to fight my father." Marta remembered

The two then walked around the lake. While doing so, they saw someone laying down  nearby the lake. Concerned for the person's wellbeing they ran to her and check on her.

"It's a girl, a child at that." Emil noticed

"What's a little girl like her doing in place like this?" Marta wondered

"I'm not sure but it's dangerous for someone like her to be laying her alone." Emil answered

"I agree, let's take her back to town for the time being." Marta agreed before suggesting something.

"Right." Emil agreed

Emil picks up the girl and piggy backs her back to town. After heading back to town, Emil gave the girl with Marta at the inn.

A Tales of Symphonia storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz