Chapter 16: Mana Siphoner

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After finding Marta and Reuniting may with her mother judith, the group went to to find Jude and the others. While finding Jude's group, Judith went up to Emil and asks "Is your friend alright?" Emil stops and looks Judith, Responding by saying "She'll be fine. You remind her of her mother. She died 4 years ago as far as i know." Judith looks down ashamed and says "I... i see... i guess i should have kept my helmet on." Emil shakes his head in denial and assure her by saying "Its not your fault. She just misses her. Her father is all she has and he's in prison." Judith says depressed "I see."

      Meanwhile On Jude's side, Jude and Raine were trying to find a way to shut down the New lance of Kresnik. While doing so, Raine stumbled across a video recording that played itself.

"My name is Fatima sharpe, i'm leader of the current exodus group. People of Elympios think Spirites are the future but i think not. Our world needs Mana and with out it, we will die. Which brings me to the Lance of kresnik. I plan to use the lance to siphon the mana from another world and add it into ours. That is my plan-..."

Raine stops the video to give everyone a chance to think. Richter says "So they plan to use this thing to steal our world's mana." Lloyd adds on saying "But if our world loses Mana, it'll die. There has to be something we can do." Sheena assures lloyd by saying "We can if we let Raine and Jude do their thing." "Are we not going to address the fact that Lloyd said something smart the pass while?" Zelos wondered curiously. Sheena walks up to zelos and smacks him before saying "Say that again and you're going to get smacked!" Lloyd chuckles and says "Classic Sheena."

As Jude's group kept working on stopping the lance, Emil's Group was approaching. Before they reached the door to where Jude and the others were, Marta was shocked and fell to the ground. May said with concern "Marta!" May then ran up to her but stopped when Marta got shocked again. Marta then said weakly "G...go.... leave me..." Emil says in denial "No! I just got you back, there is no way i'm letting you get taken again!" "She doesn't have a choice." Said someone.

      Fatima steps out of a Corridor, with a proud smirk on her face while holding a remote in her right hand. Emil becomes angry and switches out with Ratatosk and says angrily "If you know what's good for you let her go. If you don't, i'll have to cut off that arm with that remote." Fatima laughs and says "You don't have the guts. With one flick of a switch, i can make My servant get shocked so much she won't be able go move. So from my point of view, you're in no position to be making demands." Judith steps forward and says "what are your demands?" Everyone is in awe as to what Judith said and colette asks "what are you doing?" Judith answers "you want Your friend alive correct? Then all we have to do is do what she demands." Milla reluctantly agrees by saying "She is right. We came all this way to save Marta from the Exodus's Clutches and i doubt Emil would forgive me or himself if i said that we should focus on finding the others." "Milla's got a point and so does that woman. We really are in no position to be making demands" genis admitted. Fatima smirks proud before ordering them "hand the girl over to me and tell your friends in that room to stand down or else your friend goes boom." Emil and the others start to do what Fatima says before noticing tenebrae behind Fatima and Marta. After open the door, Emil looked back at Fatima and yelled out "Tenebrae now!" Tenebrae then Lunged at Fatima grabbing the remote. "Here you are lord Emil." Tenebrae told Emil while giving him the remote. Colette praises Tenebrae by saying "Great Job Tenebie!" Tenenbrae says annoyed while correcting Colette "Tenebrae! Its been 2 years miss Colette. How many years will it be before you say my name correctly?"

After receiving the remote, and crushed it after throwing it on the ground and stepping on it. Emil then went up to Fatima and knocked her out. After that they entered the room Jude and the others were in. When Milla entered with everyone else, she got a flash from the pass when she gazed upon the lance. Milla then went up to Jude and asks "What do they plan to do with the lance?" Jude looks at Milla and answers "They plan to drain Emil's World of Mana to transfer it into Elympios." Raine adds on and says "We've been trying to deactivate but can't seem to find a way to do so. Your Technology and the technology we have in Tethe'alla are a small but similar but are different in most ways." Milla then says in a stern tone "Then we'll destroy it." Jude says "agreed." Milla steps into the room the lance was in with Sheena.

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