Chapter 14: calm before the storm

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After getting permission from Gaius or Erston to use the wyverns, everyone decided to get some rest before going to the base. While trying to get some rest, Emil had trouble sleeping and sat in his bed at inside the Inn. Tenebrae notices Emil's Restlessness and appears, Asking "Are you alright lord Emil?" Emil looks at tenebrae feeling a little depressed, answering "A little. I'm just not sure i have the strength to save Marta or to kill the agents there." Tenebrae then brings up "remember what i said about life being like a books, well you seem to be on a worrying chapter." Emil is confused as to what he said and says "I don't get it.". Tenebrae assures Emil, Saying "You'll understand sooner or later. How about a walk to help you fall asleep?" Emil nods and says "sure, i could use a short walk." Emil and tenebrae then walk around Xian du for a bit. While walking around, they saw Milla and Jude, they then decided to walked over to them and talk for a bit. Milla and jude noticed Emil and Tenebrae; jude then asked Emil "Can't sleep?" Emil replies saying "Yeah." Milla admits to Emil saying "Likewise. Though sleep is necessary if we are to attack that Exodus base and save Marta." Emil replies saying "i know but i wish there was another way to solve this without fighting. I'm all for wanted to get Marta back but i wish there was another way. Jude, you understand right?" Jude admits saying "I do back in our first journey. I thought i could Change Gaius's mind back when he was an enemy but i failed until near the end of our journey.". "Might i inquire something? How do you use the artes you use in battle? They are quite different and similar to the ones we have." Tenebrae asked curiously. Jude answers saying "Our artes comenfrom the spirits. We give them mana and they use their power to turn our attacks into artes." Jude answers. Tenebrae then said in awe "quite interesting." Jude replies saying "Same towards You Tenebrae. I'd love to hear more about the centurion and monster connection sometime."

After talking for a bit with Jude and Milla, Emil kept walking around Xian du. While he keping walking around, He saw Lloyd, Colette and Genis. "Can't sleep?" Emil asked curiously. Lloyd answers "yeah." Colette adds in with concern saying "We're going to attack the base that Belongs to the people that attacked our world. Of course we're nervous.". Emil said depressed "i just hope Marta is okay.". Lloyd walks up to Emil and pats him on the shoulder before assuring him, saying "i'm sure she's fine. She's been through a lot when you two travelled together. This is no different.". Genis agrees saying "Yeah, I bet she's Fantasizing about you rescuing her like a prince." Emil laughs saying "Probably." "Well we'd better get some rest. Night Emil." Genis told them.

After talking to Genis, Lloyd and Colette, they went back to the inn to rest up. Emil then decided to wander around a bit more. While doing so, Emil Saw, Zelos and Sheena. He walked up to them and asked "Ready to go to the base tomorrow?" Zelos answered "of course. I'll going in there like a handsome guy i am and Save Marta single handedly." Sheena pulls Zelos's ear out of Spite and says to Emil "What he meant to say was "yes, i am."." Emil giggles a little and Sheena asks "what's so funny?" Tenebrae appears and answers for Emil, Saying "Opposites attract to each other." Sheena is confused and asks "what does that mean?" Emil manages to regains his composure and says "You and Zelos are like Magnets. Zelos is somewhat of a positive side and your somewhat of a negative side." Tenebrae laughs after hearing what Emil said, saying "Ho Ho Ho! Surely you jest lord Emil!" Sheena walks up to Emil and Tenebrae and whacks both of them. "Ow/ouch." Emil and tenebrae said in pain. "Like we would fall for each other! That will never happen!" Sheena said mad. Zelos puts his arm around Sheena and says "Never say never." Sheena gets mad and grabs the arm on her shoulder, then throws zelos, causing him to hit a wall. Sheena them walks to the inn telling Emil Tenebrae with angry "I'm going to sleep!"

Once Sheena left, Emil decided to walk around the city a bit more. As he did, He saw Presea with Raine. Emil walks up to them and asks "What are you doing?" Presea looks at Emil and answers saying "I'm helping raine with her research since Everyone else refuses too." Emil admits and says "Makes sense.". "Oh....! At this rate i might just live here to learn about Milla's Fascinating world! All of the rich history i would discover! All the research!" Raine said with pleasure. Emil says after hearing what raine said "Looks like her Ruin mode went from 100% to 110%." Presea sighs and says "Agreed but this place is rather interesting." Emil admits and says to Presea "You're not wrong."

After talking to Presea for a bit, Emil decided to head back to the inn. While heading back, Emil noticed May curled up into a ball while sitting at the entrance of the inn. Emil than Walked up to may and sat next to her before asking her "you okay?" May looks at Emil with a depressed look and says in depressed tone "We're going somewhere dangerous tomorrow. My real mommy might be there and so will Marta." Emil is a little surprise to hear what May said and says "You said Marta's named Perfectly!" May looks down and tells Emil "Once this is all over, i'll have to stay with my real mommy and start calling you two by your real names, so I've been practicing on my owe time to say your names correctly." Emil pats May's head while smiling proudly "Emil? Will you and Marta come visit me?" May asked depressed. Emil is a bit in awe after hearing what may asked. May added on to what she said saying "You two are my friends and i want to see you again. not being able to see you again makes me feel odd. I can't explain this feeling or know what is it. Emil? what is this feeling?" Emil thinks for a minute before telling May "you're worried you're going to be lonely. I was like that before i met you, Marta and everyone else. Back in Luin, everyone thought of me as a monster and i couldn't make any friend because of it but, overtime, i made friends with everyone with us, Milla, Jude, Elize, Teepo, Rowen, Gaius, and Muzet included. Maybe some day, we'll find a way to come back here, and visit you with your real mom. Okay?" May feels a bit better and hugs Emil, Tightly, While crying on him. "Thank you...!" May thanked happily with tears. Emil smiles, and hugs may back assuring her by saying "you're welcome." After a minute, May stopped crying and said to Emil "i'm going to stay out here for a bit. I'll meet you inside." Emil responds saying in a silly way "Alright, but not too late or i'll have to ground you!" May laughs saying "haha! Yeah! Okay!" Emil walks into the Inn with a smile on his face knowing he did well cheering may up.

While heading back to his room, Emil Noticed Richter just outside his door, leaning against the wall beside it. When Started to enter his room, Richter spoke, saying "Nice talk." Emil stopped him and looks at richter confused asking "what do you mean?" Richter smiles and replies saying "your talk with May. I heard you two talking. Your speech could have been a bit better but overall it was good. You did a good job cheering her up after we go home when this is all over." Emil responds to Richter saying "Well, i had a good teacher." Richter smirks and laughs a bit before leaving. Emil heads into his room and lays down on his bed. While doing so, he held his hand up to the celling. Emil then said to himself with determination "I'll get to back. I promise you, so please... wait a little longer.... Marta."

Meanwhile at the Base...

Marta sits alone in the chamber trying to figure out how to escape. While doing so, someone entered her room. Marta gets defensive and asks "Who are you?" The stranger points a remote at Marta and Shocks her while giggling. Marta Screams in Pain as she was being shocking and begging for the pain the stop. The stranger stops shocking her and lets her rest. The stranger starts to leave and says to Marta "You're supposed to be submissive thanks to Fatima. I don't see that Submissive person before me. You better change when i get back." When the stranger leaves, Marta Lays on the ground whimpering while crying. "Emil.... Save me..." Marta cried desperately.

To be continued...

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