Chapter 12: lessons.

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After saving everyone and the townspeople, everyone decided to rest up. May, decided to wander around Sharilton for a bit since they had time. While walking around Sharilton, she saw some kids bullying a younger one. May didn't want to get in between them but did it regardless

(Trying something different because of RunningFlameMarta )

"H-hey!" May called out timidly "L-Leave him alone.." The boys hear may walk up to her and say in taunting tone "What are you going to do about it squirt?" one of the boys then pushed may, causing her to fall to the ground. May starts to cry after being pushed to the ground, the boy look down at her and laugh before one of them asks "What are you going to do? Cry to your mommy?" The boys continue to laugh at may and when May got up, something came over her and she hit one of the boys. after being hit, the boy got angry and readied his fist, Luckily Emil was passing by and noticed it. Emil quickly broke it up and the kids ran away. Emil then looked at May and asked with concern " Are you okay?" May answers "I'm fine daddy." Emil says with relieve "Good." May then mustered up her courage and said to Emil neevously "Daddy? Something happened when i was defending that boy." Emil looked at may with concern and asks "what happened may?" May then answers with fright "i... i hit someone. I don't know what came over me but it just happened."

Emil kneeled down to May's level and puts his hands on her shoulders. He then looked at may and said to her "hitting people is bad, May, i doesn't matter if i've done it. Its wrong regardless." May looks down ashamed and says "i didn't want to though... i wanted to stop before i did it but it was too late." May cried. Emil realizes he may have been a bit harsh on may and hugs her saying "i'm sorry may, i didn't mean to make you cry, i just wanted you to know that what you did was wrong." May hugs back and cries in Emil's shoulder.

Later on Emil and May went back to Sharilton mansion. While they were in the guest room, Emil decided to talk to may. "May? Look, not everything is going to be easy in life. As you get older, things will get harder. Take me for example. My life took a turn that i didn't expect but did that stop me? No, it didn't. What i'm trying to say is... don't give up and keep trying." Emil told may. May acknowledged Emil saying "okay." Emil notices that May still feels ashamed for what she did.

Later on they got some rest but while everyone was asleep, may snuck out in the middle of the night and tried doing something she never thought of doing, turning parts of her body into a blade. May tried for a while and she made a successful attempt. She then tried to hit the tree with her transformed arm but her arm turned back to normal and she ended up hurting her arm. May tried continuously until she got the hang of it. While she train, Emil heard her training outside and decided to check in her. Emil was astonished to see May's arm was a blade, Emil then said Astonished "may, what did you learn that?" May flinches and turns around seeing Emil in awe. May answered nervously "I learned it myself..." Emil walks up to May and pats her on the head. May then said to Emil "I want to protect you Daddy. I want to protect you and everyone else since you protect me all the time." Emil Smiles at may and pars her head again and says "that's really sweet of you may. Marta would have liked to hear that." May then smiles at Emil happily. Soon enough they went back into the mansion and got some rest. In the morning, they all gathered at the entrance of sharilton to go to Xian du. Before they left for the Seahaven Milla, walked up to Emil and handed him a sword similar to her own before saying "you'll need this, incase we get separated from May." Emil receives the blade and says to milla "thank you."

"Hold up!"

Jude notices who's coming towards them "Driselle?"

Driselle runs up to them with something in her hand and says "Its a letter for Erston in case you run into him."

"Thanks, we'll make sure it gets to him." Jude assured after receiving the letter

Soon enough they left and went to seahaven, taking it to the Lakutam seahaven.

"I must say milla, your world in quite interesting yet similar in some ways." Raine confessed to milla, intrigued. Milla looks at raine and replies saying "And vice versa. Your world in quite interesting as well. I never would have expected to see the 4 or those other spirits either."

Meanwhile in the cabins...

"Hey, Emil was it? Can i ask something?" Jude asked curiously. Emil faces Jude and answered "sure, what's on your mind." Jude asks his question saying "why does may called you "Daddy?" You're not related by blood." Emil answers saying "It easier for her to remember and say since she can't say our names Properly." Jude is intrigued more "interesting." Emil then remembered something milla brought up before and tells Jude "Milla, mentioned something in our world. She said that we're similar in some ways." Jude replies to Emil and says "i don't think she's wrong. From what i could tell, you don't like fighting but you're willing to fight for what you believe in."  "I see." Said Emil.

"Anyway, we should get some rest. It'll be a while before we reach the seahaven."

"You're right."

To be continued...

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