Chapter 13: Gaius(Erston) & Muzet

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After arriving to the next sea haven, they hit the road and went to Xian du. When they arrived, the town was lively.

"What's going on here?" Emil wondered curiously "Likely a tournament going." Jude answered "it's not uncommon here. Me and Milla entered on our last journey." "So interesting! So much ancient history! Oh this city is rich in history!" Raine said with pleasure. Genis, Colette and Lloyd sigh and say "Here comes ruin mode." "Ruin mode?" Jude wondered confused. Genis explains to Jude that "Ruin mode is when Raine gets worked up over ancient ruins and stuff. She acts like a total maniac." Raine looks back at everyone and says with a mad expression "I'm not a maniac, i'm a researcher! There's a difference!" Genis sighs and says "She can deny it all she wants, she's still a maniac." Jude admits "This place does have a lot of historical knowledge i'm not going to lie." Genis sighs and says "Not you too."

Milla steps forward and tells everyone "We need to head to kanbalar so that we can give this letter to Gaius." in a stern tone. Jude adds on to what Milla says saying "He's usually travelling around with Muzet, Milla's older sister." Emil tilts his head in confusion and asks "Milla has a sister?" Sheena adds on to what Emil asked, saying "I didn't know Spirits had sisters." Zelos then says "I bet she's even hotter than milla." Sheena then punched Zelos in the stomach and drags him away by his ear. "I don't know what the hell just happened but i'm kind of glad it did." Richter admitted. Jude agrees with Richter and replies saying "Same here." Soon enough they went to mon highlands. After crossing them , they reached Kanbalar.

"Oh my! the architect here is amazing!" raine said in awe and pleasure. Genis sighs and says "there goes Raine again." Jude looks to everyone and says "feel free to hang out here, me and Milla will head up to the palace to see Gaius. if he's there at least." Rain then walks up to Jude and asks " May i please go with you? I must see the palace for myself, please!" Jude becomes speechless and doesn't know what to say, then milla stepped up and said "Of course." Raine thanks milla and the three of them went to palace. After they left, may tugged on Emil. Emil looked down at may while she pointed at the snow, asking "Can i go play in the snow?" Emil pats May on head while smiling, answering "Sure but don't stay out too long." May smiles happily and heads into the city to play with the snow. When May left, tenebrae showed up and asked "Do you want me to watch her, lord Emil?" Emil answers "sure, but don't summon any monsters. I don't know how people will react with a monster in town."

So they all looked around town for a bit. With some time to Kill, Emil decided to checkout the stadium and watch some of the matchs. While watching, Emil noticed Richter in the ring and he was fight against a man with a big katana and a floating woman.

Emil watches intently as the match began. Richter was holding his own but the man he was fighting soon, got the upper hand and unleashed a power arte. Richter is knocked into the air. The man swings his blade above his shoulders and proceeds to lower it to charge a sphere of flames. Upon it reaching the tip of his sword, The man hurls the fire ball at richter as he fell but Richter refused to lose and put his weapons together forming an X.

Emil looks in awe realizing the technique "Th-That are is...!". "Eternal Recurrence!" Richter yelled while reflecting the attack in an X-Shaped shockwave. The man and woman are hit by the shockwave but manage to get back up. The man wipes off some of them blood from his mouth and smirks. The man then says to Richter "You are an impressive fighter. I'm glad to have gotten the chance to fight someone as strong as you but it takes more than a power arte to show people your power." Richter remains silent while sheathing his weapons and leaving the tournament. After he left, Emil's bit his hand on the left side of his chest and grabbed it tightly, as if he was in pain. Emil then said to himself with uneasiness "i know things are back to the way they were after Our journey but see that arte still makes me feel uneasy." Meanwhile in the city, May was alerted and could feel Emil's pain, she then looked up at the stadium and said with concern "daddy..." tenebrae appears and inquires may "Are you okay Miss may?" May answers saying "It feels like Daddy is in pain." Tenebrae tilts his head in confusion and asks "whatever do you mean?" May replies with uneasiness "i don't know. I can just feel his pain for some reason." Tenebrae thinks on what he had hear and tells may "maybe we should go check him, so you can be at ease." May nods and responds "i'd like that. Thank you Tenebrae." Tenebrae looks away and says "you're making me blush miss may."

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