Chapter 2

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Once Emil was Ready he went to Palmacosta with may and waited for Marta. While waiting for her, She showed up wearing familiar clothing.

"Whoa, i haven't seen that outfit in a while." Emil noticed

"I figured since we're traveling around the world again, i might as well wear this again for old time sake

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"I figured since we're traveling around the world again, i might as well wear this again for old time sake." Marta answered

"That's nice and all but this isn't like 2 years ago. We're trying to find May's real parents." Emil reminded

"I know." Marta assured him.

"I do not think you will ever understand girls, Lord Emil." Tenebrae said

"Hey!" Emil said annoyed

May giggles and says: "Mr. Doggie is funny."

"M-Mr. Doggie?! Why i haven't heard that nickname in a long time." Tenebrae said, slightly offended.

"Give her a break, tenebrae. She's still learning." Emil asked of him.

"Then, Allow me to be Clear to Lady may, Lord Emil." Tenebrae said mildly Irritated. Tenebrae looks to May and says to her: "Am i not a dog, and i would appreciate it if you would call me by name: Tenebrae."

Emil's eyes turn Red and he looks at Tenebrae: "Tenebrae." He called out.

Tenebrae is startled by the sudden change and says: "L-Lord Ratatosk!"

"Tenebrae, as your lord, i order you to let may call you whatever she wants. As Emil said, she's still learning. I doubt she could say my name let alone yours." Ratatosk ordered Tenebrae un an authoritative but calm tone.

"A-as you wish..." tenebrae obeyed, recoiled.

"i can see nothing's changed with you, Huh, ratatosk." Marta pointed out cheerfully.

"Well, believe it or not, i'm actually enjoying the peaceful days. Unlike Emil." Ratatosk replied, kindly.

May gets startled and ran over to marta, hiding behind her.

"What's with her?" Ratatosk wondered.

"I think she's used to Emil's voice and not yours." Marta assumed.

"I... i don't like Daddy when his eyes are red." May answered honestly.

Emil takes over and says to May: "i'm sorry May, i should've mentioned Ratatosk before hand. Though, how i would explain it would be difficult."

"Even i would find it difficult to explain to Lady May." Tenebrae admitted.

"Say, You heard everything Ratatosk, Tenebrae and I were talking about right?" Marta wondered.

"Oh yeah, Tenebrae's been training me to do that." Emil explained. "It really helps and saves someone explaining what happened."

"That's good." Marta admitted happily.

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