Chapter 5

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"Genis anything?" Raine asked

"Nothing. Nothing that looks suspicious." Genis answered

"This doesn't make any sense. May mentioned a desk and drawers, i figured the human ranches would have something like this but nothing." Raine said with frustration

"Maybe she was just like sheena 4 years ago." Genis suggested

"Are you suggesting that May is from another world? Seems farfetched if you ask me. But then again not impossible." Raine wondered

"Maybe, it's possibility at this rate. Besides this is the last of the ranches. We're out of options." Genis answered

"Maybe." Raine admitted

"What's our plan now raine?" Genia wondered

"Let's meet up with everyone at Altamira and tell them about your Hypothesis." Raine suggested.

"Sure." Genis agreed

So Genis and start exiting the ranch. While exiting, they encountered the blond haired woman Emil and others fought.

"Excuse me. What is this place?" She asked curiously

"This is a human ranch. Or a former human ranch. Why, do you not know what a human ranch is?" Genis answered before asking

"Not particularly." She answered

"These ranches were used to make exspheres. EXspheres enhance human abilities but they turn them into monsters if the host doesn't have a key crest." Raine added

"Interesting. I've never heard of these ranches or Expheres before." She admitted intrigued.

The woman thinks about what she has learned. While she was thinking, Raine decided to ask her a question.

"Excuse me. Do you know anything about a girl named May?" Raine asked

"May?" The woman wondered

The woman thinks back to the temple of earth and remember Marta yelling out "may, get back here right now!"

"I believe i have. Back at an odd temple. A young woman with flowers in her hair threatened to end my life if i came near her again." She answered

"Marta threatened to kill you? That doesn't sound like her at all." Genis admitted

"Maybe her motherly instincts kicked in." Raine suggested

"What do you know about this girl?" She asked curiously

"Well.." genis said hesitantly

The two then start explaining to The woman what they know about May.

"I see. If it is no trouble, i would like to travel with you for the time being." The woman proposed

"No trouble at all." Raine clarified.

"By the way, never introduced ourselves." Genis remembered

"Very true, Genis. My name is Raine sage, i am a teacher and this is my younger brother Genis." Raine introduced themselves

"Who are you?" Genis asked curiously

"Milla. Milla Maxwell." She answered

"Well Milla, we're going to a place called Altamira to meet up with some friends of ours. Would you like to come?" Raine asked

"Of course." Milla answered

So Raine and Genis went to Altamira with their new companion Milla. Along the way, Something peaked Genis's interest.

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