Bonus Chapter 1

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Weeks after the Fatima was put in prison in Milla's World. Emil, marta, may and some others decided to relax at Altamira. When everyone found May was alive, they were happy and relieved to know that she was alive. Milla and Jude decided to join them after using the great spirit's power to get to Emil's world. Also there was another reason for going back to Emil's world.
"Daddy, daddy! Look at my swimsuit!" May called out. Emil sees May wearing a blue swimsuit "Hey, that looks pretty good may." Emil admitted. May laughed a little and says "thanks." "What about me?" Marta asked nervously. Emil sees Marta Wearing a white bikini and blushes before saying "it looks really good." Marta then says to Emil nervously "thanks."

A few minutes later...

"Hey!" Someone called out. Emil looks behind himself to see some Familiar faces. "Hey guys!" Emil greeted. They all meet up and Lloyd says "it was Nice of Regal to let us Relax here for free." Emil then clarifies saying "He felt bad for not helping, apparently, what the Vanguard did years ago, left a bad Impression on sylvaranti and he's been working hard on trying to make a amends but its coming along very slowly." "Yeah, but the Relationship between Sylvarant and Tethe'Alla hasn't improved much since we were going after the centurions." Colette added. "At least its progress. The nobles will just have to get used to seeing Sylvaranti around Places like Meltokio." Lloyd admitted. "Actually, i've been meaning to ask why is jude And Milla with you guys?" Emil asked curiously. Jude answers saying "We forgot to bring Muzet back with us so that's why we came back. Also a little relaxation couldn't hurt.". "Correct." Milla agreed "it has been quite some time seeing all of you since we stopped Fatima." Emil smiles and says "yeah." Agreeing with Milla. So they all started to relax and enjoy the sun.

Emil remembers something and says: "Oh right, Regal has also been working hard so Marta doesn't suffer the same punishment as her father."

"He has?" Lloyd wondered.

"Yeah, i wasn't even aware of this but after telling the king of Tethe'alla what happened on our journey, as well as a little help from Zelos, they were able to convince him to give Marta a full pardon." Emil explained.

"That's great!" Genia admitted happily.

"Yeah, it would've been a little sad to visit Marta in a cell."  Colette admitted.

"The work we do may affect the world in small  ways or big ways but if it helps make the world better, we need to keep doing it. For everyone." Lloyd added.

"Quite so. The same could be said about the relations between People of Elympios and Reize maxia." Milla agreed

Muzet appears and says: "And spirits too."

"That's actually true. We all need to learn to co-exist. Doesn't matter if we're half-elves, full elves, humans or spirits. We all share a world and need to protect it." Jude agreed.

"Yeah. What's in the past doesn't matter. It's what we do in the future and onward." Emil added.

"Whether the future is predetermined or not, we make our futures. Milla added on to what emil said

Some time later....

Jude stretches and said in a relaxed tone "Been a while since we could relax like this." Emil says to Jude "agreed. I thought i was done with fighting a year ago i guess not. Now i'm working hard for my family or soon to be." Jude sits up and asks emil in a confused tone "what do you mean by soon to be?" Milla shows up and says, "i would like to know too."

Emil blushes and scratches the back of his head before saying to them "I... proposed to Marta." Jude is surprised to hear what Emil did but Milla wasn't surprise but was happy for them. "You proposed to Marta!?" Jude, Lloyd and Genis questioned in awe. "ACK! Lloyd!? Genis!? HOW LONG WERE YOU TWO THERE!?" Emil questioned frantically.

Genis answers "Long enough to hear that you proposed to Marta!" Lloyd adds on Asking "When did you decide to propose to her!?" Emil gulps nervously and answers them says "well it was after the fatima situation. Marta had no other family members so i decided to propose, i didn't want her to be alone. Besides, when i look at myself, May and Marta, I can't but think of us as a family. Marta is the mother, i'm the father and May's our daughter."

Genis then asks "does may even know what happened To her real mom?"  Emil answers "no, i think she's suffering from some kind of Amnesia. She doesn't remember who her mom was although she remember our journey together." Lloyd admits saying "that's really weird." Emil agrees saying "Yeah, i think she's repressing the loss of her real mother. She represses them because she doesn't want to be sad." Jude then says to them "i can see why. I'd repress those memories too if i were may but i'd also keep reminding myself of it doesn't happen again to other people i know." Lloyd then says "Let's forget about it for now and relax for a bit. We deserve this, we saved 3 worlds." Genis sighs and says "He's right." Soon enough they all start to relax. Emil, Marta, May, Lloyd, Genis, colette and jude were relaxing on the beach. Milla was wondering around Altamira.

      Hours pasted and it was already Evening. Milla managed to get Muzet to come with them back home despite her wanting to stay in Emil's world. Jude and Milla left shortly after. As for Emil and the others, they decided to head to Iseila to tell Raine about the Proposal. When they arrive, Lloyd looks at Everyone and says "Well this is where we part ways again, let's go on another adventure sometime." Emil agrees and says "agreed but let's leave saving the world out of it, and explore the world for fun." Everyone nodes in agreement. Genis had Emil, Marta and May follow them back to his home so they could tell Raine. "Welcome back Genis." Raine greeted. Genis replies back "Hi raine, also you might want to hear what Emil did to Marta." Raine then says in a suspicious tone "I hope it wasn't trying to procreate and it was a success." "Uh...." Everyone except raine remained in awe and confusion. Tenebrae appears and tells raine "Lord Emil has Proposed to Lady Marta." Raine attitude changes and sounds happy when she says "Congratulation." She then asked "Have you thought of a date when to be wed though?" Emil replies saying "Well i was hoping to do i when Marta is stable. She doesn't have a place to go and my aunt's house is too small." Marta adds on saying "He's right. Although, when me and Coletter were talking, She spoke of a place in Palmacosta that was fairly cheap. Its old but better than nothing honestly." Raine sighs and says "This is your decision so i have no say in it." Emil thanks raine unsurely and they head back to Luin. May walked up to Emil and asks him in a curious tone "Daddy? What does procreate mean?" Emil and Marta freeze after hearing the question. "Uh... uh... pro-procreate is....." emil said frantically. "Is...?" May wondered. Marta steps in and says "Something you'll know when you're older!" In an embarrassed tone. "Aw..." may said disappointed.

To be continued...
Ps to DargonV yes i know you're shy but idk if you'll see this or not! Sorry.

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