Bonus Chapter 4

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After Emil's defeat against Ael glun, He started training from morning till night. He would sometimes ask Milla or Lloyd to spar with him. As Emil trained tirelessly for days, Marta started to get worried for Emil. One night, Marta decided to talk to Emil about his training. "Emil, We need to talk." Marta said to Emil. Emil looks at Marta and asks "What's wrong?" Marta then says to Emil with concern "You've been training for a long time now. Even since you were defeated by Ael glun days ago." Emil says to Marta "I have to get stronger. This is like Fighting Richter all over again. If i can't take her down the next time i see her, she might do something to our world." Marta says to Emil "I get it but... we're going to get married at some point and a child to take care of. I don't want to see you dead before all that. I was terrified that you wouldn't make it after the beating Ael glun gave you. If anything, it reminded me of what Fatima did to me." Emil says to Marta "I get it but, i want to be prepared the next time i see her. Compared to her, i was a beginner. Her speed and power was beyond me and May's power." Marta says to Emil with her concern growing "I know..." Marta starts looking away from Emil and he takes notice of it, asking Marta with concern "What's wrong Marta?" Marta answers in a frightened tone "i... i sometimes have nightmares of you and may dying before me like my father. I worry everyday, thinking "Will he and may come back alive"? Every time you come back, i'm relieved. Because... you and may are the closes things i have to a family." Emil walks over to Marta and hugs her, comforting herr, May reverted to her human form and joined in. "I promise, starting tomorrow, no more training and i'm sorry if i made you worry a lot." May says "Same!" Marta hugs the two of them back and says in a heart warmed way "Thank you."

The next day, Emil and May decided fo help Marta with groceries. Realizing that she was missing some ingredients, theu dropped off what they had at Emil's place before heading to Palmacosta to get the rest of them. After getting the rest of what Marta needed, Emil was having a hard time balancing what was in his arms. May then helps Emil by getting a bag. "You okay there, May?" Emil asked concerned. May answered while struggling to carry the bag "i'm... i'm okay...!" Marta walks over to them and says "sorry for making you carry the groceries, let me take a few bags." Marta takes some bags Away from Emil and they all started heading back to Luin.

Once they got back, Marta was thinking about what she should make, until there was a knock on the door. May got the door and at the door was Jude. "Hey, Jude. What are you doing here?" Emil greeted before asking.

Jude answers saying "I found something in Judith's journal. Its how she and May's father met." Marta walks over and says, "we can hear what it says, After dinner." Marta the offered to Jude "You can join us, if you want too." Jude agrees and has dinner with them. Later on, They all got together in Emil's room to hear about what Jude found.

"This is the story of how i met, Kai. I don't know why i'm writing this down but i guess its to look back. I met Kai during my late teens, i was 18 and so was Kai. When we both decided to work for exodus, we often saw each other and talked a lot. We also spent time together and soon enough we got married. Kai was so Smart, Strong, kind, he was beyond anything and anyone i have ever met. When new Exodus rose from the ashes of the old one, Kai was sent away on a mission, as for me, i was about 4 monthes pregnant at the time. 4 more months had passed at the time and i recently heard that a facility that Kai was at was attacked by the lord of the spirits. I was worried but i had to stop if our baby were to be born when its time came and not by stress. Several weeks later after me and Kai's baby girl, May was born, my superiors, ordered me to make a Bio weapon. They said they'd give me back my husband if i did. Not knowing where to start, i saw our infant daughter and did the unthinkable. i turned her into a weapon. The process was long and lasted 6 years until, the process was complete. When i presented it to my superiors, i demanded that they handed over kai but... the laughed and said that he died where he was stationed back in that Facility. I was heartbroken i went back to my lab and saw our child begging for forgiveness from both her and Kai for what i had done. So i build a machine to send her to a different world, a world i know she'll be safe. I only hope that the people who find her, take care of her, and succeed where i couldn't."

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