Yes, I'm Gay

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"Welcome to Knockfell," Larry smiled, looking Sal up and down. Maybe he was thinking about the boy's peculiar blue hair, or the fact that Sal's hair was up in pigtails despite his gender. Or was he thinking about his mask? He probably was... "I like your mask. What happened though?" Larry tilted his head slightly, most likely curious about the subject. "It's- it's actually a prosthetic, and I don't really like to talk about it..." Sal looked down, not wanting those terrible, retched memories to rush back. "oh," Larry smiled gently, consoling Sal with merely a glance. " That's okay. I'm sorry I brought it up."

Sal was a bit surprised that Larry had dropped the subject that easily. All the people he had met previously had been rather nosy about that particular subject. Sal was happy he could count on someone to be polite.

Larry's room was heavily personalized. From the posters of a band called Sanity Falls, to an easel with a piece of art atop it. There was even a vape on the dresser and a pack of cigarettes sitting on the nightstand. The thing that stood out the most to Sal, though, had to be the rainbow flag mounted on the wall. Sal would definitely bring that up later.

"Now that I think of it," said Larry, snapping his fingers, "We could be of some use to each other." 

Sal awoke from his deep thoughts. "Huh?" 

"There's a man that lives in this apartment building who I don't get along with one bit." Larry started, taking a step forward. "Okay.." Sal didn't know where this was going, but he didn't think he would like it.

"His name is Charlie, and I think he's just one apartment down from your place, but you'd have to check. Have you heard about what happened to Mrs. Sanderson?"

"No. What does this have to do with Charlie?" Sal asked, hoping Larry would get to the point. He had to finish unpacking soon.

"Mrs. Sanderson got murdered, and I'm almost positive Charlie did it." Larry finished.

"What? That's a pretty big claim to state that someone murdered. You sure?" Sal asked, very confused as to why fat old unicorn-pony-pegasus-freak loving Charlie would kill another human.

"I was in the apartment when it happened." Larry answered promptly.

"I'll take your word for it..." Sal said uncomfortably, \very unsure about what Larry said.

"Well I'm not going to do anything about it," Sal said awkwardly, knowing that wasn't what Larry wanted to hear. "Are you gay?" Sal pointed to the array of colors signalling that Larry wasn't quite straight, followed by an awkward glance to what looked like Larry's old Barbie doll house. Sal couldn't blame him, though, because he'd had the same one when he was little. 

"Yes, I'm gay! I have a boyfriend, after all." Larry shouted. "Oh, who is he?" Sal pretended to be interested in the subject. 

Larry sighed dreamily.

"His name's Travis, and I'd love him until the day the world ends. He's so cute, I just know I could never live without him." Larry smiled as he talked about Travis like an anime schoolgirl stalking her crush. "You know, we shotgun weed together in the school bathroom. Romantic, right?"

Sal nodded. "Definitely." Because drugs are the most romantic thing you can do... besides each other, of course.

"If you go to Knockfell High than you can meet him! He's a real hottie." Larry gushed.

"I'm sure he is..." Sal rolled his eyes behind the mask.

Larry was almost as gay as he was.


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