The Janitor's Closet Part Two

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Travis had never thought about consent very deeply. He always thought that if he was going to attempt to charm somebody, the plan would obviously follow through. In fact, Travis believed that Larry would bend to fulfill his every wish, which wasn't quite the case.

While Larry WAS very love stricken, and very ready to take their relationship to the next level, Larry didn't want to do so in a janitor's closet. Larry wanted the lighting to be just so, and for just the slightest bit of alcohol. He wanted for Travis to grab his waist and lightly brush his lips against the sensitive skin on his neck before gracefully leading Larry into a bedroom.  Larry didn't  want a quick kiss on the lips before being forcefully yanked into a closet.

Travis smiled, taking Larry by the hand. It was lunch time, and Travis knew what he had to do. 

"Where are we going, babe?" Larry glanced around, a light smile flickering across his face.

"You'll see." Travis walked along, leading the way to the narrow hallway. "You know how much I love you, right?" Travis pulled out a bundle of roses from seemingly nowhere.

"Oh! Trav, you didn't have to..." Larry's smile was now bright as a star.

"But I did!" Travis pulled Larry closer so that their bodies were pressing against one another's. "What better way to celebrate than to..." 

Larry's face filled with blush at the implied information. "Oh! You really didn't have to... I'm not... I can't... I was hoping for a more romantic setting, you know?"

Travis waved his hand. "We'll leave romantic settings for next time. I can't wait another minute to celebrate with you." Travis started kissing up and down Larry's neck, leaving Larry speechless. Larry wanted to scream and shout no, but Travis was his boyfriend, so it wasn't rape, right?

Travis pushed Larry against the wall and kissed him with what Larry would have described as passion, but anybody else watching would have thought everything but that. Travis yanked Larry into the closet and turned one of the lights off, not hesitating to pull Larry's shirt off.

You can guess what happened after that, and there absolutely no consent involved.

Love is for Everyone (Sallary Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin