Larry's Innocent Little Angel

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Sal wasn't excited for his first day of school. He wasn't nervous, either. He was only expectant of the bullies to come.

There was always at least one bully at every school he had been to. Whether it be that girl who had dropped subtle hints that she had feelings for him whilst laughing at him when in front of her friends, or the crazy feminist that was convinced Sal was gonna rape her someday, there was always someone. Well, Sal had found that someone.

Knockfell High wasn't a terrible school. If Sal was truthful, it was far from it. The teachers were rather pleasant, especially Mrs. Sanderson, Sal's math teacher. He actually thought she was rather funny, even though she smelt like goat, which was a large put-off. Knockfell High wasn't a terrible school until Sal discovered a boy he would later fin out was named Travis Phelps.

Travis was a boy with medium-dark skin and hair so blonde it should have been considered yellow. Travis was considerably taller than Sal, and had black pupils that stared straight into your soul. Travis' eyebrows were arched at an impossible angle, and he stomped around, shaking the yellow-tinted tiles of the high school with every step. Sal wished Larry had been there to help him navigate this angry ball of something-or-another.

"What's the mask for? Ya have trouble lookin' yourself in the mirror?" Sal couldn't help but notice the way he pronounced "mirror", as if the "o" was an "e". Sal said nothing to the boy.

"What? Do ya got no mouth under there?"

 Sal refrained from responding.

The boy pushed Sal to the ground. "The name's Travis Phelps, and ya better learn it if you wanna survive this school." Travis growled at Sal, treating Sal as bad as the tile beneath his feet.

"Babe!" Larry came running by and kissed Travis right on the lips. "Woah, Sal, are you okay?" Larry's large brows were knitted with worry.

"He's fine, Babe. He tripped and I was just about to help him up." Travis consoled Larry with another kiss before the bell rang. 

"Oh! I have to go. See you later, Sal!" Larry waved and ran off. Travis turned to face Sal, dropping his sweet appearance.

"If you lay a hand on my boyfriend, I won't hesitate to hit you so hard, you'll feel it beneath the mask." Travis growled before running to catch up with his boyfriend.

Sal knew he'd have to be careful around Travis, and not say anything to Larry, seeing as he was Larry's innocent little angel.

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