Abigail and Jenna

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Travis had an older cousin that also lived in Nockfell. She was only eighteen months older and lived in the house across the street from his. Their parents had dinner together once a week, so they had plenty of time to catch up with each other. His cousin had a blonde color hair that couldn't be compared to his own since her's was far more light and thin, unlike his volume-filled curls. Her bob complimented her soft cheekbones and wide green eyes in a way that one couldn't help but appreciate. If you knew her name, the girl fit together like a beautiful jigsaw puzzle. Her name was Jenna.

Jenna was as vibrant in personality as her stunning green eyes. She was kind, honest, and true to herself. Travis thought of her more as a sister than a cousin and everybody could tell. Jenna brought a smile with her everywhere she went, and it sure was contagious. She could make everybody laugh, and when she was upset, so was everybody else.

One day, Jenna came over for dinner night, her light hair tousled up and her wide green eyes now dull, missing the life that was once filled every last corner. Travis was concerned. What could have done this to his cousin?

"Jenna, are you.. okay?" Travis asked, very scared for his cousin.

Jenna sniffled, her eyes puffy and red and her nosed running, "I'm just fine." Jenna walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. 

Eventually, Jenna had to come out for dinner and began to eat, strands of hair covering her now-dull eyes. Uncle Bradley and Aunt Tiffany looked angry, casting nasty glances at their daughter from across the table. Aunt Tiffany eventually cleared her throat. "Jenna has a boyfriend now. She told us after school today." Jenna sat up straight and pulled the strips of hair that were previously blocking her field of vision. 

"She," Jenna snarled, "Isn't a boy. Abigail is having gender reassignment surgery done as soon as she gets out of school." Aunt Tiffany waved her hand.

"Sweetheart, they're going through a faze. Andrew is a boy and is just trying to express himself. We would never let you date another woman- our daughter isn't a silly gay!" The whole family shared a good laugh, excluding Jenna and Travis.

"Mom, Abigail is a girl and I love her! If that makes me a silly gay, than so be it!" Jenna stomped off and into Travis' room, closely followed by Uncle Bradley.

"Don't worry," he assured, "I'll talk some sense into her."


Jenna came back with red marks on her face and back. When Travis walked into his room, his baseball bat was out of place.

The next morning, Travis woke up and sat down to watch the new for a moment. The headline read this:


Travis' eyes welled with tears, as the next time he got to see his beloved cousin wass at her funeral.

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