Chapter I

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"We all live with the objective of being happy, our lives are all different and yet the same"

~Anne Frank.

~Anne Frank

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The sound of a car screeching was heard from a distance further up the road where we were headed towards. My sister, Amalia and I, Dominika, had taken a walk with our mother down the boulevard from our house. We ignored the noise, continuing our journey along the street while chatting our way through the lovely evening.

In that welcome amber glow the time of slower thoughts has arrived. Those moments when with open eyes my brain becomes as a perfect empty horizon, seeing, yet content to sit. I feel the soothing breeze become absorbed in the music of crickets, letting the gentle energy of nature wash in.

A police officer passed by eating a donut and waved at us with a warming smile, which we generously returned.

"Who wants to play tag in these empty streets?" My good mother spoke.

"Oh I certainly do, Mother," my sister and I both chanted in our native British accents even though we are Polish by code of birth.

We giggled, strolling over to the other side and waited as she began counting to five to catch us.






The moment she reached five, that's when it all happened at the blink of an eye. Running towards us from her side of the street the car that recalled the noise happened to be heading towards her direction with full speed.

"Look out!" Amalia yelled in fright as we both watched the petrifying scene occur before our eyes.

The large black van ran over her making her body roll above the vehicle, landing hard onto the solid concrete ground.

"NO!" I screamed in disbelief and terror, rushing to where her body lay in dismay. Amalia running towards the police man who was still near in sight. The tears blurred my vision, waves of utter incredulity stirred through my body while I tried to believe this was not just a dream. Seeing my mother on the ground completely helpless, empty, and broken was all a hurricane too massive to take in. No matter what I'll do to move on from this pain, deep down I'll always know that I'll never get to hug my mum again.

"Mother! Mother! Somebody please help us!" I cried, hot tears rolling down my face. Holding slight of her upper body in my arms, I let out small sobs.

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