Chapter 41

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I sat next to Kirsnick and across from the guy we had hired to follow my mom around. He was expensive and we had to pay him each week for his services and he's been at this for almost two months and now it was time to show us what he found. He gave us addresses, names of the people she was associating with, and the addresses to the places where she spent most of her time.

"it looks to me like she may be on drugs." He said.

He showed us some pictures of her walking around and going in and out of houses that looked like they were abandoned. When she came here she was all covered up so I couldn't really see the full extent of what her recent lifestyle had done to her body. She was literally half of herself.

"we gotta go get her," I said.

"uh I would recommend that." He said.

"Why I asked him.

He placed another picture down on the table. "this guy here. It looks like they're in some kind of relationship. I don't know if it's a romantic relationship or if she's working for him but he is not someone that you would want to cross paths with."

"so you're suggesting that I leave my mother out on the street to waste away?" I asked him.

"I'm saying that you cant help somebody that does want help and if she's only coming to you for money and not help getting off the street then she's exactly where she wants to be. You have a pleasant life, kids, and you're pregnant. Taking on this kind of stress is not something I would recommend for someone like you."

"someone like me?" I asked.

"someone with so much to lose." He said. "I'm gonna step out of the role of the professional for a second and tell you what I know from experience. I grew up living with a parent that did the things that she's doing now and if they don't want help bringing that into your life isn't going to do anything except for suck the life from you."

I looked over at nick and I knew what his stance would be already. He wasn't going to go along with anything that that could possibly bring harm to us or anyone around us. After the detective left, he came back into the kitchen and sat down at the table with me.

"I know that you already know that I think that this is a bad idea." He said.

"we have to do something," I said. "reach out to her or something. I can't just leave her out there."

"you heard what he said y/n." Kirsnick said to me.

"is this going to be another one of those things that we disagree on?" I asked him.

"y/n, I am telling you. If I gotta pay somebody to follow you around and make sure that you don't go to any of these places looking for you mom I will. I don't know who this nigga is supposed to be that she's associating with but he don't look too nice, and you don't know how the streets work. Getting yourself involved in you mom's business can land you in a bunch of shit that we don't need." He said.

"so, what are we supposed to do?" I asked him.

"give this time to play out. Ill look into having somebody keeping tabs on her to make sure she don't land herself in too much trouble, but you cant just run out and go to the hood and pull your mama out of a bando y/n. that's too dangerous."

"fine," I replied. "I'll let you handle it,"

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