Chapter 50

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Kirsnick volunteered me to go into the delivery room with Y/N. I told him I didn't want to go but yet again he argued me down. Now here I am sitting on the stool on the side of this bed that they have her am trying not to pass out. They got her stomach cut open and they're in there shifting things around and pulling stuff out and then all of a sudden, they pull her out. They pull her out and take the cord from around her neck and suctioned out her nose and her mouth and she started to cry.

"oh my god," I said.

"What does she look like?" Y/N asked.

"like a naked hamster," I replied.

"mom, What?"

"a cute one," I said. "a cute, one that's covered in blood."

they cleaned her off and wrapped her up then brought her over to me and they put her in my arms. They just gave her to me and she opened her eyes a little bit, not too much but just enough that I would notice that she was looking at me.

"if they would have told me that I was gonna be the first person you would see when you got here, I would have put on some make-up." I said.

She yawned and closed her eyes again.

"What does she look like now?" y/n asked me.

"you know, when I had you people always told me how pretty you were." I looked over at her. "she's even cuter that you were, even though she has that nose."

"what nose?" y/n asked.

"don't tell me you never noticed that nose that her daddy has." I replied.

"there nothing wrong with his nose, I actually find it attractive." she replied.

"of course, you do, and on this little angel that nose is perfect." I said. "just like the rest of her, she's perfect."


I didn't think that my mom would click with the kids as much as she did. They loved her because she always gave them snacks when she wasn't supposed to but Kiara. This little girl is so attached to my mother you would thing that yvonne gave birth to her. She smiles and laughs when my mother is around but when one of us tries to get her, she acts like she doesn't know who we are.

It's maddening really, but I think it's good for her. it's good for her to be around the kids and for then to build a bond with her, even if I have to share the attention.

"Mom, please. I just need a nap." I said to her. Kiara had been screaming for about 2 hours and she's been crying on and off since about 3 this morning. I just needed some sleep.

"give me my baby," she said holding her arm out.

"she isn't your baby," Kirsnick said to her.

"she is, and she loves me more than you." she said to him.

He was laying on the sofa waiting until it was time for him to leave for the airport. They were leaving town for shows but because I wasn't healed yet I couldn't go along.

"you just focus on whatever it that goes on when you go to shows." she said to him. "memorizing your verses or whatever."

"I don't have to memorize anything. I've been doing this for years now. I'm a professional." he said.

"you're just my son in law." she said.

"son-in-law. So you're finally acknowledging."

"that you knocked up my daughter twice and if you even think you gonna leave after she pushed out that big head little boy and ruined her body with a c-section scar to deliver this beautiful angel you are stuck with us for life."

"you know, if you wanted to say that we're a family there are better ways to word that." he said to her.

"the scar isn't that bad." I said.

"trust me honey, I saw it. Your stomach has seen better days, and you have stretch marks on your ass."


"I love those," Kirsnick said. "little road maps to heaven."

"on her ass?"

"can the two of you stop talking about the stretch marks on my butt please?" I asked them.

"and don't curse in front of the kids," kirsnick said.

"ass is not a curse word," she said.

"ass!" Armoni screamed.

"see, that's why I said don't curse." I said to them. "they're at the age that they will copy everything that we do."

Kirsnick got up from the sofa and slipped his shoes on. It was time for him to go. He kissed each one of the kids and patted on my mother on the back. He came over and kissed me on the forehead twice, then on the lips.

"I'll be back in a few days." he said.

"I'll be waiting," I replied.

"hey, you don't need any more kids." my mom called from the sofa.

"there's room for two more." kirsnick said.

"two more what?" I asked.

He smiled and kissed me again before sprinting to the door. "i love you!" he shouted from the front door.

"it's just us for a few days," I said to him.

"ass!" Kj yelled again.

"don't say that!" 

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