Chapter 46

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Author's note: sorry about taking so long with an update. i've been working a whole bunch and i got a full set on my nails not realizing that it was going to make typing damn near impossible, but either way i hope you guys enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think. i like to read comments from your guys :) <3


When take is home we spend most of our time in bed.  i don't like going out and he doesn't like to do anything but sleep when he's home, so i have no problem with sitting here in bed with him and doing nothing but eating snacks. this night i was lying in bed picking the marshmallows out of a box of Lucky Charms when i heard a knock on the door. i looked over at Kirsnick and he was dead asleep. whoever was at the door knocked again but this time a little harder. i reached over and patted him on the back. 

"what?" he grunted.

"someone s knocking on the door." i told him. 

"go see who it is." he replied. i'm regnant and it's almost midnight. get your lazy ass up and go see who that is." i said to him. 

"fine," he grumbled. i watched him get up and stomp his way out of the room like and angry 7-year-old that was having to get up and get ready for school.

he came back a moment later and leaned against the door frame. "your mom is at the door."

"for what?" i asked him. 

he shrugged and got back into the bed. he puled the covers up over his head and turned his back to me. "did you at least let her in the house before you came back up here?"

"yeah babe, i might not like her but i'm not gone be rude to your mama."

"so leaving her downstairs wasnt rude?" i asked him. 

"she could have came up here. i didnt tell her stay down there."

i rolled my eyes. "just go back to bed."

i grabbed my cereal box from the bed before going downstairs. my mama was standing int he foyer looking around like she was at a museum or something. when she saw me, she gave me a weak smile before looking down at her feet. 

"Hey mama," i said to her. 

"hey," she said before going quiet again. 

"is everything alright? do you need to borrow more-"

"no i dont," she cut in. "i had came because i want to get help. i mean it you are still willing to help me then i want the help."

"you want help?" i asked her again. she nodded. 

"yes, i know i haven't ever been the best mother to you...but i want to be better....and get a chance to know your kids, my grand kids.....i'm a grandmother and i dont even know them." she stopped and sucked in a deep breath. i could tell she had been holding back tears since she laid eyes on me and she just couldn't hold it anymore. she fell to her knees. i stepped off the staircase to get her to her feet but by that time she had crawled from where she had fallen to where i was standing.i looked up to the top of the stairs and kirsnick was standing there. he gave me a wordless nod before disappearing back into our room. 

we set my mom up int he downstairs guest room and gave her a clean pair of cloths to put on after she got out of the shower. i dont know if she was expecting me to wash what she had on and give it back but i decided just to throw them away. 

"i'll take her to target or something to get some new stuff tomorrow." i said as i got back into the bed with kirsnick. he hadnt said anything since i told him that she would be staying. he said that when she wanted help that we would do whatever to help her and now she here and he frowned up like he got the shits. "what's wrong with you?"

"something isnt sitting right with me." he said with a shrug. 

"you said-"

"i know what i said. i'm not taking back what i said...i'm just saying that something feels off. i'm not saying she's to blame, i just got a feeling that something is coming. i dont know what it is but i dont like it."

"what? so you got like a spidey sense? you a super hero now?"

he looked over at me and rolled his eyes. "i'm being serious and you tryin to be funny."

"i'm not i promise." i replied. 

"just keep your guard up okay. pay attention to everything." he said.

"i will," i replied rolling my eyes. he always finds a way to worry for nothing.

"and dont roll your eyes and me." he said. 

"i did, what are you gonna do about it?" i asked him. 

he smirked. "alright, i'm finna show you."

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