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Tyler and I were hanging out at the park. We were goofing off and I was trying to do the monkey bars. I go to grab the next bar and my hands slip, causing me to fall. “Shit!” I tell as I fall. I wasn't expecting it, so I land and got a little abrasion on my elbow. Tyler rushes to me. “Oh my gosh, Y/N, are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asked, a tone of serious worry spilling off his tongue. I look at him and raise my eyebrows. He usually doesn't worry that much. “Yeah Ty... I'm fine..” I say, curiosity filling my voice. Why was he so worried? He was by my side as soon as I fell. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up ever so gingerly. “Come on, let's get you home. I want to take care of you,” Tyler insisted, pulling me along. “Tyler I'm fine. It's just a little scrape,” I say with a little smile. “No, it's more than just a little scrape. I'm taking you home and you are laying down,” Tyler protests, pulling me along. What was wrong with Tyler? He usually wasn't this overprotective. I let him pull me along by my hand. My house was very close to the park, so on nice days, we walked. We were there in no time and he burst through the door. I shut it behind us and he dragged me to my bathroom. He got out different antibiotics to help with my tiny little scrape. “Sit down,” he instructs, pointing to the toilet with the lid down. I seat, not liking the tone in his voice. It was quite stern and I didn't like it one bit. Why was he acting like this? He cleans my scrape with rubbing alcohol, peroxide, (Ponyboy: Peroxide??) and Neosporin, finishing it off with a Band-aid. “There. Are you okay? Do you think you should lie down? I think you should lie down,” he said, a bit of a worried and panicky tone in his voice. “I'm okay Tyler, really. But I'll lay down if it'll make you feel better,” I said, smiling at him lightly. He smiled a little as well and took my hand. I blushed a little but trief to hide it as Tyler lead me to my room. Tyler was holding my hand? We reached my room and he opened the door, leading me to my bed. He lays down and holds his arms out. I immediately gwt confused. Did he want me to lay with him? “What?” I asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “Lay with me,” he says with a cute smile on his face. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I lie next to him. He pulls me close and holds me there. He couldn't possibly feel the same way, could he? He couldn't. He was the famous Tyler Joseph. He couldn't swing that way. Or could he? The thought was making me drowsy a little bit so I leaned closer to him and rested my head on his chest. He continued to hold me close but he whispered in my ear, “Are you sleepy Y/N..?” His voice was so soothing when it was quiet and that only made me more tired. “A little..” I say, not wanting to admit it. He starts petting my hair and I wonder how he knew that put me to sleep. I've never told him that... It's finally getting to the point where I can't take how tired I am and drift off. The last thing I hear before drifting completely off is a light, ‘Cutie...’

*time skip to when the reader wakes up*

I wake up after drifting off in Tyler's arms. I turn over to look at him, but he's not there. I instantly get confused and look around for a moment. Maybe he's in my kitchen getting a snack. I always told him he could help himself if there was anything he liked. I get up and walk out of my room. My house is a little one story house because it was just going to be me living there. I walk into my kitchen, but there is no sign of Tyler. I look in my living room, but he's not there either. Maybe he's in the bathroom? I walk over to the bathroom, but the door was open. It would be weird if he was in my basement where the laundry room was, but I'll check anyways. I flip on the lights and walk down, going over to my laundry room and Turing thst light on. There's no sign of the him anywhere. I turn out the light and head up the stairs, turning out the light at the top of the stairs. I'm so confused. Where did he go? Did he leave? I didn't see a note when I looked for him anywhere. I went back to my room and pulled my phone out of my pocket. No texts or anything. I decided to text him, ‘Hey, where did you go?’ I turn my phone off and go back into my kitchen to get a snack. I open the cabinet to see I had some granola bars and took one. I open it up and eat it pretty fast, throwing away the wrapper when I was done. I pulled my phone out of my pocket again and check it. Nothing. This is really odd. Usually Tyler answered pretty fast. I decided after a second of thinking to call him. I tap the call button and hold the phone up to my ear. It rings for s really long time before going to voicemail. I now begin to worry. He isn't anywhere here. He isn't answering my texts. He isn't answering my calls. He's the only male I've ever really liked... He was my best friend... I couldn't lose him. I suddenly think to go to his house and try to find him there. Maybe his phone died. I grab my keys and head out to my car. I put the keys in the ignition after getting in and started my road trip. After some time I reach his house and go to the door. I know where the extra key is, so I get it and walk in. “Tyler?” I call out. No answer. Come to think of it, I didn't even hear a click when I twisted the key...

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

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