~Who are you?~

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I wake up and find that I'm still in Blurryface's arms. I blush slightly and turn over in his grip so that I'm facing him. He stirs slightly, but doesn't wake up. I look at his features. They remind me fo someone else's, but I can't bring up the name. It's on the tip of my tongue. Gosh, why can't I think of it? Him and Blurryface look exactly the same. I notice that Blurryface is waking up, and just look at him. His eyes open and I smile at him. He scowls and sits up straight, letting me go immediately. “What do you think you're doing up here? Why aren't you in the basement?” he asks, looking at me like I was some type of slave that has just disobeyed him. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. Why was he acting like this? Last night he seemed proud of me and wanted to hold me, but now, he seemed like when he first took me in. “You asked me to stay up here with you last night?” I say, quite confused. “I asked you to stay up here with me? That's sounds like a load of shit! Why would I ask you to stay up here with me ever?! Get down to your basement where you belong!” he yells, standing up and grabbing me by the shirt collar. He drags me over to the basement door, opens it, and just about throws me down the stairs. I feel every hit I take with each stair. Pain surged through me as I tried to understand what was going on. After I hit the floor, I heard him mumble ‘Bitch’ before the basement door slammed. What is going on? I ask myself. He's acting co unusual. This isn't like him. Usually he was the least bit nicer. He was acting like he was last week. I sit there and think about what was happening. My body ached slightly from the impact from each stair I hit. I got up after a second and went over to the chair I first sat in when I got here. I take a seat in it and look at my hand. The ‘X’ was there like it forever will be. I look over my shoulder to see bones and a skeleton. Josh. Blurryface never took out the body. It was a way of torturing. Making me look at my friend rot while having to deal with the smell. Josh had a best friend, but I can't remember for the life of me what his name was. He was that guy I was thinking about earlier. The one who looks like Blurryface. Damn, I wish I could remember his name. I heard the door open and looked away from the bones, turning my attention to the door. Blurryface can walking down the stairs and he looked at me. “So, what do you want to eat?” he asked me. What? What? He just treated me like that and now he's going to act normal? “What happened earlier?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. He raised an eyebrow at me and asked, “What do you mean?” My mom dropped a little bit as he seemed to be acting like he forgot about what happened earlier. “You were just yelling at me a couple of days minutes ago,” I tell him, which makes him look at me funny. “Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but all I remember is waking up in my bed. I woke up, and you weren't there, so I thought you were back down here,” he said, acting completely normal, even though I knew he was faking it. “You're lying,” I say, taking some nerve to talk to him like I was. “What did you say?” he asked in a threatening tone. I was intimidated by that tone, but I tried not to show it. “I said, you're lying,” I stated through clenched teeth. I was really pushing my luck. I knew better than to talk to him like this. He scowled and looked down at the ground. He went to turn away but I stopped him by saying, “What is wrong with you?!” My tone was more of a shouting cry than anything. I was quite upset. “What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?! You're what's wrong with me! Ever since you entered my life you messed with my head! Damnit Y/N I love you!” he yelled before punching the wall repeatedly. He looked angry, but his words were.. nice? Were they nice? I didn't really know in all honesty. I didn't know what to do so I just stood still. I didn't even realize I had started standing in the first place. He finally stopped punching the wall and looked at me, expecting me to say something. What was there to say? “You love me?” I asked, highly confused. “Yes! I disappeared to try and get you out of my head, but I couldn't! You wouldn't leave me alone!” he yelled while gripping his head. Wait, that was him all along? I thought it was someone else? Now I'm very confused. It was him along, but he was called by another name? “No, this isn't right. How do you love me?” I ask, so confused that it feels like me head isn't screwed on right. “I don't know. You just haven't left my head ever since I first met you,” he said, calming down but staring at the ground. “Who are you?” I asked, knowing something wasn't right. “I told you, my name is Blurryface,” he said, still looking at the ground. This is not right. This is definitely not right. I hesitate before saying, “No, you're not just Blurryface. You were someone else. I didn't know you until not too long ago.” He looked at me finally, then reached really slowly over to something. I didn't want my eyes to leave his. I tried staying as calm as possible, but that was hard. Suddenly, he reached over real quick, grabbed something, then swing at me. I didn't even have time to see what it was he was hitting me with. Whatever it was hit me really hard over the head. I felt a lot of pain, but soon enough, it began to fade as my world started going black. I swayed before I finally felt myself fall, but nevrr felt the impact of hitting the ground.

*Blurryface's P.O.V.*

I watched as Y/N fell to the floor. I still held the busted pipe in my hand. I dropped it after a while and dropped to my knees, putting two fingers to his neck to check for a pulse. Thank God I felt one. I don't know what I would have done if I had killed him. I calmed down and stood up, walking away after a while of staring at him. There was a cute on his head, but he would be okay.

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Blurryface x Male!Reader ~You Won't Forget~Where stories live. Discover now