~This Is It~

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I wake up and still feel a little not right. My throat still hurts from a little while ago, or was it yesterday? I can't remember. I think it was yesterday. I sit up and see Blurryface sitting at the edge of the bed. “Hey, what time is it?” I ask, yawning slightly from the excessive amount of sleep that I got. “10 in the morning,” he said with little to no expression. I found this quite frightening. He never usually has no emotion in his voice. I raise an eyebrow and look at him. “Blurryface,” I ask, “are you okay?” He looks at my but doesn't speak for a moment. He just looks at me and for once, I think I see a hint of fear in his eyes. “I'm fine, Y/N..” he said, looking away from me now. He definitely was not ‘fine’. There was something up. “Blurryface, please tell me,” I plead. “I know there is something wrong.” He looks at me again and and the fear is more prominent in his eyes now. I scooted closer to him and put my hand on his shoukder for comfort. I didn't really hug him much. I more or so did smaller things to show comfort or affection. Mostly affection because he never even seemed to feel fear or sadness until yesterday and now. He placed his hand over mine and looked away. “It's nothing... Don't worry your little head about it. It'll be okay. Do you trust me?” he asked, looking back at me when he asked if I trusted him. I give him a small yet passionate kiss before pulling away and saying, “I trust you with my life.” That really seem to hit him hard. He looked away but before he did I swore I saw tears in his eyes... I rub his shoulder slightly, not really knowing what to do at this second. Suddenly, I heard cop car sirens. My head jolted up and looked around. They were getting closer and closer. It almost sounds like they're outside the house. “They found us..” Blurryface said, looking at his lap. The cop cars finally arrived in the part of the driveway closest to the house. I looked out the window and saw they started surrounding the place. I duck down and pull Blurryface down with me. “Is the door locked?” I asked, looking urgent. He just nodded his head twice. I had to think of something, and fast. The weapon room. That's it! I grabbed his hand and said, “Follow me, c'mon.” He raised his eyebrow but followed me. I remembered where it was and let my feet take me there, avoiding any windows. “Come on out, now!” the cops were shouting. I didn't listen, obviously. We get there and I pick up my favorite hand gun. It was the one I have used ever since my first robbery. Blurryface picked up his usual gun as well, and looked at me with a daring glint in his eyes. I return that little flash while trying to think of a way to get out of here. Blurryface has definitely rubbed off on me. I had to find a window they weren't guarding. The small basement window, perhaps. You could just barely see out of it, so it must be pretty well hidden. I start to lead him to it, trying to think of a way to open it while dodging any windows. Blurryface must know where a key is, right? “That window down in the basement, does it have a key that goes with it?” I ask, keeping my voice down just in case. “Yeah, I know where it's hidden,” he informs me, leading me to the hiding spot for the key. Once we get the key, we rush downstairs. We get to the window and he unlocks it. He helps me out first and I look around. There are cops just about everywhere, but there just so happened to not be cops where we were. I help him out and try to find a way to get to some kind of shelter or something. Behind his car would be the best idea, but we'd have to make a mad dash for it. “To your car, ready? One... Two... Three!” I whisper shout, then break into a sprint. I really hope he's following me... I hear shots being fired and people yelling, but I can't look back. If I look back, there's a possibility of getting shot. I make it to his car and on the other side where the police aren't. Blurryface is right behind me and soon is right next to me. I smile at him before rising above hood of the car and shooting over it, shooting a police officer. All gunfire went silent. “You two boys come out from behind there and no one gets hurt,” one male police officer said. I couldn't say anything. I just raise up again and fire another one, Blurryface following suit. The police are now firing back. This was going to be an ongoing battle. I raise up but didn't go down fast enough. I was shot in the shoulder. I let out a little grunt in pain, but still keep going. This can not stop me. I can't stop until every police officer is dead. I raise back up and fire but it misses. I swear in my breath and was about to rise up again, but Blurryface stops me. The other gunfire stops. Do they think we're dead? Was this Blurryface's plan? To make them think we were dead so that when they checked to see we could shoot them? Blurryface truly is a genius. “This is it,” Blurryface said. “End of the line.” I look at him stunned. Was he being serious? After all we've been through together? “Are you kidding me right now? We can't just drop everything,” I say, anger rising up in me. Blurryface takes my hand and says, “Please.. die with me...” I finally realize something. We've been through enough. I see something change in his eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded. We both stood up, no weapons in our hands, and they were up in the air. We walk over to the other side of the car where the police men were. Blurryface looks at me and says, “Y/N.. it's me.. Tyler...” It all hit me. The memories, the life I had before, our friendship, my crush on him, his name, everything... My eyes widen as I watch him reach for his back pocket and pull out a gun, pointing it aimlessly and pulling the trigger. “No!” I shouted, but it was too late. Shot fired, and Tyler was now falling to the ground. He never looked away from me while shooting, so I knew he had the intention of dying... I got to reach for his gun, but feel a sharp pain in my side. I've been hit... I fall to the floor and look at Tyler one last time. Tyler... That was the name I had forgotten... What was wrong with me? Now I would never be able to see my best friend or my secret crush ever again... Did he even love me back, or was it just Blurryface? It all hits me as I lay here dying. I was in love with Tyler Joseph all along...

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Blurryface x Male!Reader ~You Won't Forget~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن