~Crimes And... Cuddles?~

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I wake up on my back and I try to move but I can't. I open my eyes and look down, surprised at what I see. I'm still naked, but I'm chained to the bed. One thing that was also very strange was that Blurryface was laying next to me with his arm around me... His head was on my chest, and he was asleep. This is very strange. Why is he cuddling with me? He started stirring and his eyes opened, making me close mine to make it look like I didn't realize. He stands up and walks out of the room. I must have made it look believable, because he didn't say anything to me. Later, he comes back into the room and I shut my eyes again, but I make myself start to stir like I'm getting up. He doesn't leave this time so I open my eyes. I jolt my arms and try to move my legs, but it's no use. I look at him to see him smirking. “Blurryface, why am I chained to your bed naked?” I ask, not even sounding scared. I know how to make my fear seem not noticeable. “Oh just, admiring artwork,” he says, a slight flirty tone in his voice. I feel my face heating up as I ask, “Oh, can you unchain me then?” He looked at me and tilted his head if he was thinking. “I might. I might not. Will you behave if I let you go?” he asked while smirking again, his voice deep. I was slightly intimidated by this, but other than that, I showed nothing. “Yes, sir. I will behave if you let me go,” I say, trying to make him let me go. He comes around and undoes one chain around my wrist, then goes down to that same ankle when he gets my wrist done. Once he get that ankle done, he goes to the other ankle, then the last wrist. When everything is undone, I sit up slowly and he hands me my clothes. I'm still sore, but I don't show any expression of pain. “Get dressed quickly. We're going on another adventure soon,” he says before walking out. I get dressed and wonder where we're going. Could it be another bank? I know he's been taking me to a lot of banks just so I can catch on to his example. I call for him after a while and he comes in once I'm done. He comes into the room wearing his usual black jeans, black muscle t-shirt, and a red beanie, his hands and neck also black. I always wondered why his hands and neck were black, but I never asked. “Okay, good, now let's go," he said, turning around and walking out. Knowing to follow, I do because I don't want anymore punishments. Last night was my “worst” one. We get out to his car, get in, and start driving along down the road. It takes what seems like an hour before we finally get there. I was right before. It was another bank, so I slipped on my black gloves and navy blue ski mask. Blurryface took off his beanie and put on his ski mask, along with his gloves. “Okay, this time, you're going in on your own. I won't be there to help you. Remember my examples. This time, you'll be helping others on your own,” he instructed. My heart gave a weird pound. Doing this all by myself? Could I even do that? Was I intimidating enough? I couldn't think about that. I had to do this. For Blurryface. For everyone that has been robbed by a bank. I nod once and get out of the car. I walk in and point my gun up at the ceiling, sending off a lot bang after I pull the trigger. I immediately hear screams and see people ducking. I walk up to the woman behind the counter and point the gun to her. I saw her hand going under the counter so I say, “Push that button and a bullet goes in your head. Hands where I can see them. Now.” She does as I say and I smirk. “The money. All of it. Now,” I say sternly, trying to sound as scary as Blurryface. She hands me the money and after she does, I shoot her. I can't risk her pressing the button. After I shot her, I made a bolt for the door, knowing some people could have gotten out of the building to go to the police. They could have also called the cops while I was inside. I didn't hear any sirens yet, so I quickly ran to Blurryface's car. I hop in and he immediately starts driving at a high speed, getting away as quickly as possible. Once we hear the sirens, he slows down. I know why. He's trying to make us seem less suspicious. He's really smart. Once we get back to his place, we walk in and I take off my ski mask and gloves. He takes the money and counts it. “You did good for your first time alone,” he complements. I just nod and begin to head to my basement. “Hey, wait, where're you going?” he asks. I turn around to face him and say, “I'm going to my basement.” I go to turn back around but he grabs my shoulder, stopping me. I look at him and his face is straight. “Stay up here,” he said, not showing any emotion. I was quite stunned. Why would he let me stay up here with him? “Uhm.. okay,” I said confused. He took my hand and lead me to his room. Was I getting another punishment? Did I do something wrong? Was he secretly mad at me for not getting more money? What if I did a terrible job? We got to his room and he laid on his bed. I laid next to him, but we still had a distance between us. I didn't want it to seem like I liked him. Well, I just didn't want him to know I like him. I wouldn't know how he would react. He'd probably slap me so hard it would kill me somehow. “You wanna sleep?” he asked while looking up at his ceiling. “Sure, I guess,” I said, rolling over to face away from Blurryface. I closed my eyes and laid there for a few moments, trying to force myself to sleep even though I wasn't tired. Suddenly, I feel an arm wrap around me. I tense really quickly and expect another punishment like last night's. “Calm down. Jeez, I'm not going to kill you,” Blurryface says in an almost annoyed tone. Was he annoyed? Or was he just making himself sound like he was? He was good at making his voice not match how he felt. I relax slightly, but not a lot. I feel his arms wrap around me tighter as I feel his breathing slow down. He seems to be asleep. How did he fall asleep while holding me? I'm not that special. I'm still considered as a bad person. I know I'm not going to be able to sleep, so I guess I'll just lay here until I finally do.

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

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