~What Happened?~

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It's been almost a year and I haven't heard a thing from Tyler. I've filed dozens of missing persons reports and none of them have showed any signs of anything. I've texted him everyday and checked his house every once in a while. Nothing. Nothing. I've tried places where I thought he might go, but he never turned up at any of them. I tried calling him, but it just rung forever and went to voicemail. Does that mean the phone is still activated? I was sitting on my couch, thinking about Tyler. He was my best friend, and he just up and disappeared? Did someone hurt him? Did someone kill him..? No. I'm sure he's just.. I don't know. He's never done anything like this. Sometimes I would sit in my room and cry while clinging to a picture of him. I missed him so much. He's the first person I ever loved and the one who made me realize I was gay. I remembered the last thing he said before I fell asleep the day he disappeared. Did he have feelings for me too? He couldn't have... I hear my doorbell ring and stand up lazily. I've been moping around everyday because of his disappearance. I hear the doorbell ring again and rushed a little more. Who could this possibly be? Maybe it was someone that had information about Tyler? I open the door and it was Josh. He was Tyler's best friend. Even I couldn't come with Josh. He looked at me and probably the bags under my eyes. “Hey... How've you been Y/N?” he asked, worry in his eyes and tone. I look at him and start crying while shaking my head. He steps forward and hugs me. I'm such a baby, but I can't help it. I miss Tyler so much. Josh hugs me for a minute then let's go. “I... I came here to tell you that there was news on his location..” Josh said, careful about his words I could tell. I suck up my tears and look at him, stunned. “R-Really..? What's the news?” I asked, trying not to start screaming and running to find him. “There's a picture of him going around. It's recent. He's around here..” he said, trying to smile. I smile and almost scream. I leap on Josh and hug him tightly out of happiness, but suddenly I feel like I'm being watched. I let go and think for a minute. “I have to go look for him!” I almost shout. I run past Josh and even leave my door open. I run to my car and get in, immediatly starting the car and pulling out. I drove around street, every alley, but still no sign of Tyler. I decided on thinking that the picture was fake. My heart dropped and I made my way home. Josh wasn't there anymore and my door was closed. I just hope he didn't lock it. I walk up to my door to find it unlocked. As soon as I closed the door, the doorbell rings. I rolled my eyes in an annoyed way and groan. I open the door to see someone in a ski mask. I can immediately tell that it is a man just from the body figure and arms. I look at the arms and see a familiar tattoo... Before I can even put things together, I feel a crash against my head. I start feeling dizzy as pain surges through my body. The guy who was standing before me had a black looking neck. I felt my world going black as I began to sway. What did he even hit me with? Before I start falling, he takes off his ski mask. My world goes black. Tyler..?

*time skip to when you wake up*

I feel my eyes flutter open and as soon as they do, pain seers through my forehead and I feel something dry on the side of my head. It felt like dried blood as if my head had been bleeding profusely. I hear footsteps and close my eyes, feigning to still be knocked out cold. It was then that I realized I was tied in a chair by the ankles and wrists. I hear a deep guttural growl emerge from his throat and he kicks the chair leg, just missing my ankle. I let out a squeak and open my eyes, looking at the male. Tyler! It was Tyler! Why would he do this to me? He smirked at me evilly and I looked at him curiously. “Tyler..? Why are you doing this? What happened? Where did you go?” I asked, question after question. “Shut up! You idiot! I'm not Tyler Joseph!” he shouted, hitting the wall, causing his knuckles to start bleeding. His hand was shaking and he glared at me. I felt myself start to shake. What was he talking about? I've never heard him use that tone with me... He's never called me any rude word. He wasn't Tyler? Then who was he? He stood there for a moment and glared at me. He knew I was about to say something, but I was scared to in case he would yell at me again. “What happened? If you're not Tyler, then who are you?” I question. He ends up snarling and pushing me back with such force that it knocks the chair backward. My head slammed off the ground and I scrunched up my face in pain. “Don't ask me who I am! That's not for you to know,” he stated, his voice harsh. This really wasn't Tyler... He grabbed me with his large hand by my hair and pulled me up, causing me to yelp in pain. He had pulled me and the chair up by just my hair. With everything that has happened to my head, I'm surprised I don't already have something seriously wrong with me. He glared at me and then started pacing. I stayed silent this time, learning my lesson. I felt as if I was going to cry. Everything hurt. He then looked like he thought of something, and headed to a little area where I couldn't see him anymore. While he was over there, I looked around the place. It was quite cold and damp. It looked like a basement. Where were we? He comes back in a moment later, holding something in his hand. He flicks it out and I hear a click. It's dim lighting, but the object glows a little. It was a switchblade... I could tell by the click... He walks towards me and I start shaking. “P-Please don't kill me..” I plead, tears filling my eyes. He starts laughing. “Kill you? Now why would I kill you?” he said tauntingly. He was pushing my fear. He walked forward and grabbed a handful of my hair. I flinch because of the pain that rages through my head. I feel him start sawing at my hair. I groan in pain as he saw off the ends, probably making uneven. After a second, he stops and I hear movement. I tense up, not knowing what he is going to do next. I feel the sharp blade touch the skin just under my thumb and towards the middle a bit on my left hand. I brace myself and feel him start carving something. I let out a little scream as he seems to make it go deeper. This isn't Tyler. This is definitely not Tyler... He's finally finished and I don't know what it is. All I know is that everything I had hurt.

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

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