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It has been a week since Josh had been killed. I'm still here, tied to this chair. I want out. My mind was becoming my own hell as I was tortured almost everyday, but yet, I didn't hate him. There was still anger in me for him killing Josh, but I didn't hate him. He has been telling me about how much of a terrible person I was, but he would make me better. I believe him. No, I shouldn't. But if he says he can make me a better person, then I should. He usually goes upstairs to sleep and comes down in the morning. It was now morning and I obviously was already awake. I always am. I'm terrible if I don't wake up early, and I get punished if I'm not up by the time he comes down to check on me. I hear footsteps coning down the stairs and know it's him. “You better be awake,” Blurryface threatened. This wasn't as bad as it used to be. “I am,” I say, not wanting to get yelled at for not answering. He comes down the stairs completely and I can see him now. He comes over to me and smirks. I didn't know that smirk. Usually his smirks said something, but I couldn't figure out what this one translated to. “Today is going to be a little different,” he told me, smirking that same smirk. I was a little scared, because that smirk was new, and I didn't want to learn what it meant. He went around behind me and untied me. I move my arms and it feels so weird. I haven't moved from that one position and now that I was moving, it felt really weird and kind of hurt. Why did he let me free in the first place? I look at my hands to see a scarred ‘X’ on my hand from the first day here. There was still dried blood. He untied my ankles and I stood. It felt really weird being able to stand on my feet again. It almost felt unnatural. I stumble a little and Blurryface catches me. I look at him, confused. “Today, you will help better yourself. You'll help me rob the bank down the road,” he said, quite bluntly. I look stunned. Robbing a bank to help better myself? That's not right. “But, that's not right,” I protest. I looked at him and I could tell he was trying to remain calm. “Of course it is. The bank robs the people, so we will rob the bank in order to help those who have lost money,” he said in a kind of fake happy tone. To me, it made sense. I nodded and he grabbed my hand. My cheeks warmed up a bit and I wondered what this feeling was. He left me upstairs and I looked around in awe. It actually looked like a decent house that was modern and not run down like those you would see in a movie. He started leading me some place down a hall, and when we walked in I had realized it was a bathroom. Blurryface has been taking care of me while I was down there, but not very well. He said I took things for granted so he was going to help me put a stop to that by just giving me privileges. He told me to sit so I sat on the lid to the toilet. He opened a cupboard and got out a wash cloth. He ran some water on it I wondered what he was doing. He then started wiping away the dried blood that had been there for as long as I have been in this place. I was very confused. Why was he doing this? I looked at him as if asking and he answered. “I'm wiping the blood off so it doesn't look like anything happened. If you admit you're getting help, then people will know you were a bad person,” he said with this seriousness to his voice. Little did I know, this was his way of keeping me from going to someone for real help. I nodded as he wiped off the dry blood. I stood up when he was done cleaning me off and looked in the mirror. I barely looked like myself with the short hair. Good, that way people won't know it's me and won't know I'm getting help for my actions before. Blurryface left the room for a moment and I stayed there. I knew not to follow him unless he said to because then it would be considered as a bad action. He came back not too long after and handed me a navy blue ski mask. The tone of his voice told how serious he was when he said, “Here, don't put it on until we arrive.” I nod and he motions for me to follow him. He leads me to another room full of weapons. They were mostly guns, but there were also knives. I looked at all the weapons as he told me to pick a gun. I look around and pick any one. I wasn't really going to be picky about my weapon of choice. I turn to him as he motions for me to follow him again. I know I should hide the gun before we step out the door. We go out and get into his car, driving off. Once we get there, Blurryface tells me to put on my mask and follow his lead. I do as I'm told and we walk in. He holds up the gun and points it straight at the ceiling, letting out a shot. People start to scream and run around. He went up to a male behind the desk and points the gun at him. “Give me all the money you got,” he said, this sneering tone in his voice. If I were that man standing behind the table, I would have given it to him at one glance. Blurryface saw someone reaching to press a button under the table, and shot at them. It hit them in the stomach, I figured I should do the same if that happens again. The male started to get out all the money. I saw someone reach for the button again. I took a deep breath and remembered that they robbed people. I aimed and shot the gun. It hit the woman in the shoulder, knocking her away and making her fall to the ground. “You robbed the people, so now we rob you!” Blurryface yelled, getting angry. The male handed over the money and Blurryface bolted for it. I followed behind him without looking back. We made it out to the car and drove off at a high speed. When we got back to his house, I knew it was. Probably off to the basement again. I looked at him and asked, “How did I do..?” He looked at me and smirked again. This one I knew. This was his happy smirk. He was proud. I took off the ski mask and gave him back the gun. I began walking over to the basement door when he grabbed my arm and yanked me back, facing toward him. I knew better than to get scared, so I kept it back. He looked into my eyes and pulled me close. Soon enough, his lips were pressed against mine. I didn't fight it. I knew if I did he would punish me. I kissed back instead. It wasn't too bad, and it didn't last really long either. He pulled away and I looked into his eyes. They were like Tyler's eyes but colder, and I found myself getting lost in them. As I looked into his eyes, I knew why I didn't hate him. I liked him. More than a friend or mentor. He then grabbed my hand and lead me to the basement. I was too busy in my trance to know what was going on. He leaned closely and whispered in my ear harshly, “You'll be sleeping down here, but I won't tie you up. Can I trust you?” I nod vigorously, not wanting to be tied down anymore. He nodded once and turned back around, leaving me to myself. What is wrong with me? I can't possibly like Blurryface... I lay down on the floor. What's wrong with me? I tried to close my eyes and sleep. Stop. Stop. Stop! My head was yelling at me. I pushed the voice away and went to bed, but certainly not peacefully...

- Stay Gold my readers 🚬

Blurryface x Male!Reader ~You Won't Forget~Where stories live. Discover now