Glitter and Pizza Sauce

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All morning all Brian did was piss and moan and it was starting to really get on Skylar's last nerve. She finished up her last work email of the week and started upstairs to finish packing an overnight bag.

"I just don't understand why you had to volunteer us? There has to be someone else more qualified to watch kids." Brian said following her to the bedroom.

"Brian enough!" Skylar exclaimed. "Bessy's my family and Joe is basically yours so we are helping. You can sacrifice one night." She finished with an eye roll and then tossed an empty duffel bag to her disgruntled boyfriend. "Pack! I told Bessy we would be there by noon."

The pair had been together long enough for Brian to know when he pushed too far. He sighed and began throwing clothes into his overnight bag. Everyone may think the kids weren't Brian Quinn's thing and honestly they would probably be right but not for the reasons everyone would think. They just made him nervous and it was a lot of responsibility, something he still didn't know if he really would ever want. This was something him and Skylar never talked about.
"Hi!!" Skylar shrieked when the door opened and she spotted little Milana and Remo. Both kids ran to Skylar giving her a huge hug.

"We are gonna have so much fun!" Milana shouted having just heard the news that cousin Skylar was coming for the night. Brian walked in carrying Skylar and his overnight bags and placed them down next to the staircase.

"I can't tell you how much we appreciate this." Bessy said giving Brian a hug since Skylar was still preoccupied with the kids.

"Yeah of course." He smiled hoping it didn't look as forced as it was.

"Alright..." Bessy started picking up a pad of paper off the mantle. "So I wrote down everything you need to know. Remo should be ready for a nap in about an hour. Milana really doesn't nap much anymore but she usually just relaxes with a snack and watches TV while he naps. No sweets after 7 or they won't sleep. Bath before bed and use the lavender stuff. Remo is teething so if you feel he is starting to get really cranky from it give him Tylenol but call me first."

Skylar looked over the notepad, Bessy literally had everything written down even down to what draw to find the kids pajamas in. "Bessy we can handle this. Go and have fun!"

Joe shuffled in with their suitcases and exchanged looks with Q. He knew this was the last thing Brian Quinn wanted to be doing but what Skylar said went so he was here. He moved Brian back a few steps away from the ladies and kids. "I have two rules. Number one my kids are still alive when I get back." Joe started.

Brian offered a sarcastic laugh, "And number two?"

"No sex in my bed." Joe added.

"Is the couch acceptable then?" Brian joked.

His joke was only met with a sound that couldn't be identified as a laugh or cry. "Alright Guys Mommy and Daddy gotta go." Joe said coming back within earshot of the kids. He sat down and hugged both kids so tight. Skylar looked on and smiled, she didn't think there was a greater dad in the world than Joe Gatto. "Be good for Sky and Q. Love you." He said kissing each kid a couple times.

"Call with any problems Skylar." Bessy repeated for the third time.

"We will be fine!" Skylar repeated for the hundredth time.

Once the Gattos were in their car and pulling out of the driveway, Remo burst into tears. "Mama mama!" He cried trying to run to the door. Skylar scooped him up and tried to calm the crying boy. As Brian rubbed his back a couple times he leaned down to whisper into his girlfriend's ear, "Oh yeah this was a great idea."
It was 1:30 and Skylar came downstairs looking exhausted already. "He finally fell asleep." She sighed.

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