Deals and Promises

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It had been a long grueling day for Skylar. Before Brian left to head to set they promised to talk when he got home; really talk not fight. She was too consumed with her thoughts and ended up taking a half day.

When she got home, she took a bubble bath and then snuggled in bed with four cats cuddled around her. She sighed contently at how her life had turned out. When Brian brought up her birth father it brought back an unsettling feeling of what life could have been like if her mom didn't have the courage to leave. Here she was 24 with a successful career living with the most amazing man. They fought, sure, but him coming to her office today spoke volumes. Him holding her while she broke down, spoke volumes.

Reaching over on the nightstand she grabbed her laptop and began researching fostering and the steps on how to go about. After reading everything she could find on the topic she eventually dozed off.
Skylar felt a light kiss against her cheek. "You call me old? I'm not the one falling asleep at 6 o'clock." Brian joked taking a seat on the bed.

She smiled before opening her eyes. "Hi." She said sitting up to kiss his lips.

Brian kicked off his boots and shooed her over so he could climb in bed next to her. He placed his hat on the night stand and pulled her close. Before saying anything he noticed her laptop opened beside her. The New Jersey Department of Children and Families website was still up. "I think it's time we actually talked about this."

"I know I overreacted and acted like a brat Brian. I'm sorry." She apologized sitting up and leaning against the headboard of the bed.

"I wish you would have talked to me alone instead of in front of everyone." Brian said.

"I know that was wrong too. I guess my mind was just racing and I didn't know how to express how I was feeling properly." She responded.

"I get it and after hearing more about your past, I get it even more now." Brian said, "But Skylar this is a lot that your asking me to take on."

"I know." She said looking down at her hands. "And I guess I just freaked out on you because I feel like you've been avoiding talking about our future."

Brian took a deep breath. He had given a lot of thoughts on having kids with Skylar the past couple days. "Of course I want all those things with you." He smiled.

"Really?!" She said perking up immediately.

Brian couldn't hold in his laugh, she just looked so adorable. "Yes." He said rolling his eyes. "Getting married, finding out your pregnant, watching you grow our child, seeing you rock our baby to sleep. I want it all honey."

Skylar's eyes instantly watered, "You really think about all that stuff?" She asked, not believing these words were actually coming from Brian Quinn's mouth.

"It's incredibly scary but yes. Yes I do." He said shaking his head. It was literally like another person was possessing his body. Never did he imagine having these thoughts. Having a little girl call him daddy and watching her run around the yard picking flowers or playing catch with their son and going to all his games. A world Brian never thought he would a part of.

Skylar immediately kissed him hard. "I love you. I love you. I love you." She said between each kiss. There was a time she saw herself giving all that up for Brian but now knowing she could have the perfect family with him was making her heart feel fuller than it ever had before.

"That's in the future." He said being clear that he wasn't picturing that just yet. "Right now we need to discuss the present."

Skylar immediately crashed from her high. She let out a heavy sigh, "I can't get Shiloh out of my mind."

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