Chapter One

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This chapter'll be following Jasmine cuz why not?
I woke up at 6:00 a.m this morning, having to force myself out of bed.

I made breakfast, ate it, laid out my clothes, and got into the shower.

Once I did, I couldn't help but think about what my fellow cast mates may be like.

When I got out, I wrapped a towel around myself, and applied some lotion and vaseline.

I put on the clothes I laid out, witch consistent of a North Face hoodie, blue ripped jeans, and black and white Vans.

I did my eyebrows, put on some-what peach colored eyeshadow, and lipgloss.

Finally, I laid down my edges, got my phone, and left.

I hailed a cab to the theater, and scrolled through instagram to occupy myself.

Once I got there, I thanked the driver, payed him, then got out.

I inhaled, then opened the door to the theater.

Once I opened the door, I was greeted with the face of my new boss, Lin.

"Jasmine! You're here! Not everyone's here yet, so you can sit on the stage and socialize." Lin said pointing to the few people on stage.

I walked on stage and greeted everyone when they all looked up at me.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine." I waved.

A girl with dark brown hair and eyes shot up and smiled at me.

"Jasmine! Nice to meet you, Phillipa! But you can call me Pippa." Pippa said.

"Nice to meet you Pippa." I shook her hand.

Pippa turned around to the rest of the cast on stage, "And this is Daveed, Thayne, Reneé, and Andrew." She motioned to them, they all waved.


A little later, everyone else started to come. Once everyone was there, we all started talking among ourselves.

Then, Lin got on a chair, and loudly said, "Everybody sit in a circle! No questions!"

We all got into a circle and sat down.

"Okay! So, because this is our first day of rehearsal, I thought we should introduce ourselves." Lin said.

A man, who's name is Anthony, said, "But we've been talking for like, an hour."

Lin laughed.

"Ha, I don't care. Just do it."

"Rude." Anthony mumbled.

"Well then, because you're just SO chatty today, you can go first." Lin smiled, causing Anthony to suck his teeth and roll his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Anthony, as most of you know." Anthony said.

Lin shook his head, "Oh. Oh no, Anthony. I said introduce yourself, not say your name." Anthony groaned.

"Well, um, I've been singing for...a long ass time. I play baseball sometimes. I have a brother and sister. I grew up in Brooklyn, and my family's from Puerto Rico. And I've know this...amazing man, Lin, for a year. Unfortunately." Anthony summarized.

"Aw, love you too Anthony." Lin sarcastically said.


"You're next Pippa~" Lin sang.

"Yay! Well I'm Phillipa, but you can call me Pippa! And-" Lin cut her off.

"Oh, that's enough Pippa, we'll learn more about you through the duration of this production." Lin said.

"Lin, what the fuck?" Anthony asked.

Lin gasped dramatically, "Oh! Baby's first swear!"

"You're rude." Anthony said.

"It's nice catching up with you too." Lin grinned.

"Next person!"

"Hello, I'm Andrew, and to be honest, I'm just here to..spread love and positivity." He smiled

"Why do I feel like that is the exact opposite." I commented.

"Hm, I don't know. Anyways, it's your turn, Jasmine."

"Hi, I'm Jasmine, Jazzy or Jas. I've been singing a, long time. My moms a jazz singer. Dads an actor." I said.

"Ooo, what's your dads name?" Oak asked.

"Ron Cephas Jones." I answered.

"Oh! My cousin has a crush on him." Andrew said, resting his head in his hands.

"Wait...when you mean crush, you mean..?"

"Say that he's "so incredibly fine" whenever she sees him." Andrew said, casually checking the time.

"Hm...uncomfortable. Daveed, you're next." Lin said.

Everyone else introduced themselves, saying their name, saying how they got here, all that.

"Okay, that only hour." Lin said checking his watch.

"Um, lets go ahead and warm up, then run through Alexander Hamilton through Schuyler Sisters." Lin directed.

Alex Lacamore-Alex- started playing piano.

We all grouped around the piano, except Andrew.

"Aren't you going warm up with us?" Reneé asked.

"Nah, I got adult shit to do." He said.

"Okay..." She trailed off.

We all matched our voices with the pitch of the piano, witch we were supposed to do, but at one point, the piano went to a really high pitch, so I went to that pitch. But I didn't realize I was the only one who hit that note.

"Damn Jazzy!" Daveed yelled.

"I bet I can make you hit higher notes." Anthony smirked wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Now who told this little boy he had game?

I pulled his arm off my shoulders.

"Hm, if you want even a portion of this, you better act like you got home training." I looked him up and down.

"Ooo." I heard Daveed.

"I think you'd like me more if I acted like I didn't have any training." He smirked again.

Aw, he thinks he's cute.

"We'd have to get passed this conversation to get anywhere near there." I smirked myself.

"Oh, so you're already thinking about the future?"

I laughed, "What future?"

"Oh Jazzy, that's all up to you."

"Mhm." I raised my eyebrow.

Just then, Lin got in between us and put a hand on both our shoulders.

"I really hate to interrupt, but this is a musical rehearsal, not a flirting contest. You can do that any other time." He said.

Aww! Lin! I was enjoying the show!" Andrew whined.

"Too bad."

After rehearsal, that kid, Anthony, asked for my number. Witch I wouldn't give.

But, I could see why he was so...forward, he was cute.

Just a little bit though.
986 words
We love a trash writer.

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