Chapter Three

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Ayyy, back at it again at Krispy Kringle. Ummmm, It's been a while, sorry if this sucks
Rehearsal ended 30 minutes ago, so now I'm getting ready for Pippa's Fourth of July party.

Considering there would be...a lot of people there, I tried to at least look alive.

I put on a blackish grayish dress, red lipstick, light eyeshadow, did my eyebrows, then put on red heels.

I hailed a cab, and told the man were I was going.

Once I got to Pippa apartment, knocked on the door roughly, just in case. Then Anthony opened the door.

"Damn you didn't-" Anthony cut himself off, looking me up and down.

"Damn girl." He said.

Exactly what I expect.

"Move little boy." I said pushing him aside.

"Créeme niña, no soy pequeña." He said lowly, looking me up and down from behind.

Now, I don't no what the hell he said, but what ever it was, it made Lin loose his shit.

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" I asked, bucking my head at him.

"Oh, don't worry about it luscious." He smirked.


"Go somewhere little boy."
It had been three hours since I had arrived at Pippa's party, even though we still had two hours until the new year, people were already getting blackout drunk.

Me, myself, only had about two glasses of wine.

As I was sitting on Pippa's couch scrolling through my Instagram feed, I felt someone aggressively sit down next to me. I looked over and saw Anthony.

"Hey Jasmine~" I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Why aren't you having any fun?" He giggled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to make eye contact.

"I mean like, thirty songs have played and you haven't danced to one." Anthony looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"So, not everyone likes to dance like a wild banshee like you do." I mumbled, smiling.

Anthony giggled again. "C'mon, pleaaaaassse?" He whined.

I rolled my eyes, despite the smile on my face.

"Okay, fine." I said helping him up.

He smiled at me.

Once we were both standing up, Anthony grabbed my hand and jerked me to the "dance floor" which was really just the space between the couch and kitchen.

We danced, it's not important how.

As ended, Anthony pulled me over to the drink table.

"Ooo, mami, I didn't know you could dance like that." Anthony smiled.

I laughed.

"There're a lot of things you don't know about me, Anthony." I smirked.

"Oh, so you do know my name? Why do you never use it?" Anthony smirked back.

"Because, you constantly need to be put in your place." I still had a smirk on my face.

Anthony just laughed as he got another drink.
A little later, it was literally minutes after the party started and people were already blackout drunk.

Before we started the fireworks, Oak came up to me.

"Hey Jas, I'm about to leave, Reneé already said she'd take care of Daveed, so can you make sure Ant get's home?" He asked. I told him I didn't know where Anthony lived, but he didn't hear me.

We started the countdown to launching the fireworks screaming once they were.

I looked around, trying to find Anthony.

I spotted him, he was in the corner laughing hysterically with some guy.

I sighed and walked over. I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Jazzy!" He giggled.

"What may I help you with?" I slurred.

"Do you remember where you live?"

"Do yoooouuuu?"

Great. Everyone who's been to his house is either drunk, or gone.

I had only one choice.

"Okay Anthony," I sighed. "I guess...I guess you're coming home with me." I said.

I grabbed Anthony's hand and lead him to the coat rack. I put my coat on and helped Anthony put his on.

The entire ride Anthony was giggling and laughing at almost nothing, and when he wasn't he was just smiling.

When we got to my apartment, I strapped him out of his seatbelt and helped him up the stairs.

Once we were in, I took off his shoes, led him to my bedroom, laid him down on my bed and tucked him in.

I stood up straight and started to walk away, but, instead I felt arms warp around my waist.

I looked down at Anthony. "Where're you going? Stay here." He asked, the one time he hadn't smiled while drunk.

I didn't respond.

Damn, when did he get so fine?
Ayyyyyyyy, this was shit, and a cliffhanger. Amazing, we love it.
Might update later tonight.

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